How to Trade or Convert USDT to BNB on Binance. The most simplified guide to trading crypto coins on A detailed, step-by-step visual guide to converting USDT to BNB on Binance futures trade bitcoin coin crypto. For crypto experts, this may seem like an idiot’s guide to using converting USDT to BNB on Binance. But, believe me, the whole process can be terrifying to the absolute beginners in the field who are trying to navigate their way through this maze. With every hesitant click, many of them fear that their digital assets may get deleted and vanish forever.

Feels like they are walking on quicksand or on a land minefield. I know, because, once upon a time, I was a beginner too. To change your USDT tokens to BNB, you can either ‘Convert’ it or you can ‘Trade’ it. Covert is definitely a better choice. The screen is clear and clutter-free. There is no doubt as to what you are expected to do. On the other hand, the Trade screen can be overwhelming for an absolute beginner. We’ll look at both these options, one by one.

Here, I am starting with an assumption that you already have a Binance account containing USDT. You have already decided you want to convert some of your USDT to BNB tokens. Without dragging the topic, let’s get down to action straight away. Convert: The Easiest Way to Trade on Binance. To get started with this, you need to log into your account. Click on the ‘Trade’ button in the (top) main menu. A drop-down list will appear. Click on the ‘Convert’ option.

It will lead you to the following page: 3. As you can see, the USDT available for trade is displayed on the top right of the box. My holding is shown as 1500 USDT. In the above image, the ‘ From’ column displays USDT while the bottom one for ‘To’ is showing BTC. Depending on what conversion or trade you want to do, you can set both tokens accordingly. Here our aim is to convert USDT to BNB. 4. Click on the dropdown button in the ‘To’ options and select BNB from the list.

5. Now enter the amount of USDT you wish to convert. You need to enter a minimum of 20 USDT (to a maximum of 2500000). Once you do, you get the option to ‘Preview the Conversion’. 6. This shows you how much BNB you can get for the USDT quantity entered and the price. The market rates fluctuate constantly, so you get just 5 seconds to confirm the conversion. 7. If the rated quote expires, you have to hit the ‘Refresh’ button to get a fresh quote. 8.

So refresh and get a new price quote and click immediately on the ‘Convert’ button to do the transaction. You will get a notification if the transaction is successful. This displays how much USDT has been successfully converted to BNB and the price paid. You can ‘Go back’ to convert more USDT. 9. If you click on ‘View Status’, it takes you to the ‘Trade History; page.