Fast weight loss in 3 days is a kind of stress for the body, so modern nutritionists recommend adhering to the elementary rules of proper nutrition.However, in this case, weight loss is observed gradually, and it is difficult to meet the deadline. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to the help of radical methods and choose for themselves effective diets for 3 days, which productively reduce the volume, eliminate problem areas of an imperfect figure. As an option, it can be such techniques:

Program “minus 3 kg”. You can lose weight from 1 to 3 kg for a specified time interval.

Watermelon diet. For each day there is a chance to lose weight by 1 kg.

The model method. It helps to lose weight in three days up to 5 kg.

Kefir diet. Allowed for normal stomach acidity, it allows to lose weight by 3 kg.

The mono-diet for 3 days “Minus 5 kg”.

Before you lose 3 kg in 3 days, it is important to consult with a nutritionist, to exclude the risk of complications, negative health consequences. This is a strict methodology for weight loss, which can cause weakness, dizziness. If you still choose to diet 5 kg in 3 days, each day is a new stage (move, starvation, exit). So:

On the first day, drink a herbal drink in the morning, a vegetable salad in lunch, a handful of nuts in the evening.

The second day is shown only drinking, which stipulates up to 4 liters of fluid intake.

On the third – it is important not to overload the stomach, and in the menu choose complex carbohydrates and proteins.

Diet for three days Minus 3 kg

Another effective method to lose weight, which provides for fruit, vegetables, cereals and legumes in the daily menu. A person consumes complex carbohydrates that do not linger in the body, but are directly involved in the productive removal of subcutaneous fat layer. Diet for reduslim three days minus 3 kg is strict, it is important not to break the diet, categorically refuse to eat flour and sweets. Sports are welcome, but it is desirable to select a simple cardio exercises, such as jogging in the morning or evening walks.

It is recommended to drink a glass of water before each meal for 20 minutes to speed up the metabolism and blunt the growing sense of hunger. Here is an approximate menu that helps you to lose weight fast without losing energy reserves:

The first day: for breakfast oatmeal with water and unsweetened what, for lunch – vegetable or chicken broth, crouton, for dinner – coleslaw or nonfat natural yogurt.

The second day is recommended to spend on apples and kefir, the first ingredient to prepare in an amount of 2 kg, the second – 1 liter.

The third day: for breakfast – yogurt, for lunch – buckwheat in water, for dinner – boiled eggs, salad leaves, milk tea.

Light diet

This option must be combined with gymnastics, yoga or other types of physical activity. It is necessary to choose your favorite dietary products and consume them throughout the duration of the diet. For example, on the first day it can be vegetables, wash down with water. The second day, the body should consume proteins in the form of boiled chicken fillet or a lean type of fish. The third day is better to devote to the consumption of citrus fruits, which have a fat-burning effect. The light diet for 3 days is strict, but you can lose weight by 2-3 kg.

To further correct problem areas, you can perform the exercise “plank”, jump rope, run and even swim. Drink more fluids, be sure to consume vitamins and vegetable fiber in the form of dill, parsley and lettuce. Quitting the diet is gradual, the main thing is not to return to your usual diet, do not overeat, especially before going to bed.