ElectrumSV Wallet can only be purchased from https://www.electrumbsv.org

When users have coins that existed before Bitcoin Cash became a split up blockchain from Bitcoin SV,

those coins are hooked up on both blockchains. Anytime they are directed in a wallet on one blockchain, that

action can also send them on the other blockchain. Owners have had this unexpectedly happen to them,

and the receiver has declined to return the funds from the blockchain the user did not want to deliver on.

If you think you have unsplit coins in your Electrum bsv wallet, you can use ElectrumBSV’s coin-splitting

component to split them. However remember that you are responsible for your own coins, you should confirm for

yourself that the splitting worked. And if you are not sure whether your coins require to be split, you can

continually split them nevertheless.

How does splitting perform?

The procedure is simple, if the coins are sent on electrum bsv download BSV wallet in a way that is immiscible with

Bitcoin Cash, then the coins are split. Any use of those distinct coins that have been split up will from

then on be private on both blockchain.

In order to hold it simplified ElectrumBSV wallet, we only do the most simple event. We make your wallet do a

payment to itself that mixes all the presented coins in it in a way that should be applicable on Bitcoin

BSV and not Bitcoin Cash. This results in one individual divide coin combining all the individual coins that you

had in your wallet prior to the split.

The way you separated your coins

Sadly, all the coins in the wallet used there are currently split up. So the following is simply likely

through the strategy to show you how it will work. You will observe that this wallet includes a limited quantity of

Bitcoin SV.

Let’s begin by altering to the coin-splitting tab:

When you are looking at the coin-splitting tab, you have a couple options. Either direct splitting or faucet

splitting. We encourage the straight dividing, and do not really assist the faucet splitting any more.

Straight splitting does not function for hardware wallets, which because of to built-in limitations can exclusive work in

straight forward ways.

Clicking on the straight splitting button will ask you for your password. You will witness that the balance of the

splitting transaction is the balance of the provided coins in the wallet.

Following you input your username and password, it will sign and send out your transaction. This will occur very

rapidly, and once it is finished you will see a dialog letting you see the splitting procedure was


You can right now go back to the bsv electrum wallet background tab and see the splitting transfer there,

which one has an automated explanation noticing just what it was provided for.

The bsv wallet history page with the dividing operation.

In theory, your coins need be divide. But again, you are responsible for with them smartly and you need

assure that they are completely split.

Ensuring your coins are split

BSV electrum wallet Bitcoin is complicated, and to be able to completely recognize for yourself that your coins are

split, you want to have a few stage of technological insight. It’s a lot less complicated to just forward them to

various places on both the blockchains, particularly secure places like your obtain wallet’s accepting addresses

and examine that they get there – so just do that!

Here is a good way to practice it:

Would a direct break in BitcoinBSV wallet.

Open your Bitcoin Cash wallet using the coins which had been associated to Bitcoin BSV, your you just split up in


Build a brand new vacant Bitcoin Cash wallet.

Submit the coins in your pre-existing Bitcoin Cash wallet to the latest Bitcoin Cash wallet.

You could then monitor that your Bitcoin Cash is in a emerging clean wallet, plus your Bitcoin BSV is within the previous

wallet. Neither relocated now that the another transferred, but instead both had been moved by you. You may

wonder why you need to create a secondly Bitcoin Cash wallet, electrumbsvwallet and the justification is that this assures that

your Bitcoin BSV and Bitcoin Cash are with various keys and it both helps confirm they are unlinked and

gives you better protection heading forwards.

Hardware wallets are very brief systems with not much flexibility. They exclusively permit select kinds

of transactions to be authorized, and this should not consist of the kind that the immediate splitting method uses.

When you have a hardware wallet, you can try and make use of faucet splitting. Faucet splitting is compatible by posting a

very tiny Bitcoin BSV coin to your wallet, then integrating all the available coins in your wallet with that

Bitcoin BSV coin. This encourages a unique Bitcoin BSV coin that is needless to say contrastive to the Bitcoin Cash

blockchain, and so the coins in the wallet have been separate.

Alternatively, if the faucet is not working you can attain somebody to deliver you a extremely limited amount of

Bitcoin BSV and you can complete the equal thing on your own by delivering all the money in your budget to one particular

of your own details (such as that extremely tiny amount of Bitcoin BSV).

Growing variances in between blockchains

There are an growing quantity of improvements anywhere between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin BSV. And it is effective

rehearse to split up your coins exclusively in circumstances you lose your Bitcoin BSV when sending your Bitcoin Cash, or drop

your Bitcoin Cash when sending your Bitcoin BSV, it is potentially becoming better to pass up it.