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Binance took down the business the same day. The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) issued a warning in July stating that binance futures a margin was not licensed or registered to offer securities, which is a regulated activity in the city. The SFC was referring to Binance tokens based on stocks such as Apple and Tesla, which were being marketed to investors in Hong Kong, as reported by the Post in April.

We will be restricting Hong Kong users in respect of derivatives products (including all futures, options, margin products and leveraged tokens) in-line with our commitment to compliance.” During the grace period, no new positions may be opened. Also, with effect from a date to be announced in a later notice, users from Hong Kong will have a 90 days’ grace period to close their open positions. “Users from Hong Kong will not be able to open new derivatives products accounts.

Hong Kong regulators said in May that they to require cryptocurrency exchanges to be licensed and binance futures example only offer services to professional investors, with providers subject to anti-money-laundering and counterterrorism financing requirements.

Until now, platforms could register with the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission at their own discretion. In May it was known Hong Kong’s Financial Services Bureau plans to force all crypto exchanges to obtain a license and allow access to trading only to professional investors.

Therefore they are competing with a party that can determine the outcome of the competition which makes this activity very tough if not impossible to win long-term. I also would like the viewers to know that often times the counter party to a futures contract is the exchange itself.

By default, timeout is None. Please remember the value as it won’t be shown in error message no bytes have been received on the underlying socket for timeout seconds . timeout is available to be assigned with the number of seconds you find most appropriate to wait for a server response. Hence, requests do not time out.

L’avviso diramato dalla Consob un paio di settimane fa non è rimasto né inascoltato né senza conseguenze: Binance ha deciso di interrompere la propria offerta legata a future e derivati in Italia così come in altri due paesi del vecchio continente, Germania e Olanda. Le modalità sono quelle indicate in un breve comunicato condiviso dalla piattaforma (link a fondo articolo) che riportiamo di seguito in forma tradotta.

“We will be restricting Hong Kong users in respect of derivatives products (including all futures, options, margin products and leveraged tokens) in line with our commitment to compliance.” “As the market leader, Binance constantly evaluates its product and service offerings,” the company said in an announcement on its website.

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For more SCMP stories, please explore the SCMP app or visit the SCMP’s Facebook and Twitter pages. This article originally appeared in the South China Morning Post (SCMP), the most authoritative voice reporting on China and Asia for binance futures kar zarar görme more than a century. Copyright © 2021 South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd.

Con effetto immediato, gli utenti di questi paesi non saranno in grado di aprire nuovi account per prodotti future o derivati. Per questo, Binance ridurrà l’offerta di prodotti future e derivati in Germania, Italia e Olanda. Con l’ecosistema crypto in evoluzione, valutiamo di continuo i nostri prodotti e lavoriamo con i nostri partner per soddisfare le esigenze dei nostri utenti. Da una data successiva, che sarà annunciata con altro avviso, binance futures liquidation futures germany gli utenti di questi paesi avranno 90 giorni per chiudere le loro posizioni aperte.

È proprio su questi strumenti di investimento che si era concentrata l’attenzione dell’ente nostrano in occasione del suo intervento rivolto ai risparmiatori, non sul trading di criptovalute come Bitcoin o Ethereum. Questa la nota pubblicata oggi dall’exchange.

Binance replica così all’avviso Consob , us binance futures giocando d’anticipo e rinunciando a un ramo della propria attività nei tre paesi europei indicati, salvaguardando però il resto del business. Almeno per il momento, binance futures vs margin considerando le iniziative pianificate da Bruxelles.

Whether you’re looking for additional cryptocurrencies to trade or just want to try something new, there’s plenty of top crypto leverage exchanges to choose from – here are just a few examples: Of course, Binance is not the only cryptocurrency exchange that offers leveraged cryptocurrency trading.

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