L’avviso diramato dalla Consob un paio di settimane fa non è rimasto né inascoltato né senza conseguenze: Binance ha deciso di interrompere la propria offerta legata a future e derivati in Italia così come in altri due paesi del vecchio continente, Germania e Olanda. Le modalità sono quelle indicate in un breve comunicato condiviso dalla piattaforma (link a fondo articolo) che riportiamo di seguito in forma tradotta.

Choose the Interval you want to trade and the buffer of candlesticks your strategy will need. Strategies are implemented in Data_Set.py as a function named Make_decision() in the Data_set class Make_decision() must return Trade_Direction,stoplossval,takeprofitval for the strategy to work properly You might draw inspiration for how to trade usdt futures on binance a strategy from one In TradingStrats.py. Trailing stop: set use_trailing_stop to 1 and change trailing_stop_percent to suit your strategy to use the trailing stop (Min val .001 i.e .1%, Max 5 i.e 5%). The trailing stop will be placed when the takeprofitval margin of increase/decrease is reached from your strategy. In Bot.py on line 341 are the settings. leverage and order_size should be changed acording to your preference symbol[] is a list of the symbols you wish to trade, binance futures nederland the default is all the coins on the exchange currently.

You just need to refresh your page. It supports futures too! I’ve been using that, and it is not expensive. The best part is, it integrates with Binance almost instantly.

9 months agoIf you’re just starting to trade, take time to learn how a market works, and what it feels like to lose and win. Both modes of trading are exceptional choices that could lead to a great deal of success and should be handled as if they pose just as big of a risk.

How are people tracking their trades, besides with a spreadsheet, doing everything manually? Thank you, grateful for any suggestions. I’ve been researching, trying to find a crypto trading journal that integrates with Binance for ex, to track my trades properly. Am I blind or is there really nothing in this space that is being offered?

Utilizes python-binance futures api python Client to execute orders and pull data from Binance Utilizes ta library for Technical indicators Write your own functions/classes to implement your TA strategies. Comes with some pre-coded strategies found in TradingStrats.py If you enjoy the repo please share it around to friends & tweet about it using the tweet button above 😃 or Buy me a Coffee Min version = python 3.7. There is no default Strategy implemented you must do this in Data_Set.py as specified below.

Con effetto immediato, gli utenti di questi paesi non saranno in grado di aprire nuovi account per prodotti future o derivati. Da una data successiva, che sarà annunciata con altro avviso, gli utenti di questi paesi avranno 90 giorni per chiudere le loro posizioni aperte. Per questo, Binance ridurrà l’offerta di prodotti future e derivati in Germania, can you trade binance futures in the us Italia e Olanda. Con l’ecosistema crypto in evoluzione, valutiamo di continuo i nostri prodotti e lavoriamo con i nostri partner per soddisfare le esigenze dei nostri utenti.

Like margin trading, futures contracts allow investors to gain significant capital exposure to protect a portfolio. Crypto futures contracts are often used to hedge against volatility and adverse price movements on an underlying asset. By hedging, traders need not compromise their cryptocurrency holdings or liquidate them at an unfavorable price.

somehow the account I bought on veritura is doing fine, small profits each day, hopefully this will work and so I can gain more profits. Yeah, It is really heart breaking, got some suggestions to integrate my wallet to have my access back, let’s see.

At the moment, Binance doesn’t accept customers from the United States and some other countries (check your eligibility before creating an account). As long as you’re withdrawing less than 2 BTC per day, Binance currently doesn’t require you to submit any personal information apart from your email address (and potentially, your phone number).

È proprio su questi strumenti di investimento che si era concentrata l’attenzione dell’ente nostrano in occasione del suo intervento rivolto ai risparmiatori, non sul trading di criptovalute come Bitcoin o Ethereum. Questa la nota pubblicata oggi dall’exchange.

Head over to the Binance Futures section of the exchange. Go to the “Open Futures Account” section in the bottom right corner of the interface and binance futures order expired use the coincodex referral code to get a 10% discount on your trading fees .

Almeno per il momento, considerando le iniziative pianificate da Bruxelles. binance futures a margin replica così all’avviso Consob , binance futures banned uk giocando d’anticipo e rinunciando a un ramo della propria attività nei tre paesi europei indicati, il resto del business.

Technically, the contracts listed on Binance Futures are “perpetual contracts” – they function very similarly to futures contracts, but don’t have an expiration date. In this guide, we’ll be going through an example of trading the BTC/USDT futures contract on Binance Futures.

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