Thus, this helps in building the sense of engagement among the students to learn about a particular subject or topic in which they are weak.

Rendezvous of ideas- When students are taught a concept or subject in classroom they develop a sense of responsibility to work upon their parts.

Thus, with the help of grading system, students are able to get rid of a lot of unnecessary pressure and they are able to involve in their academic activities with much more interest.

Such prestigious colleges and universities help the students in securing the jobs with handsome salary packages.

Helps in attaining scholarships-

When the students score excellent grades they are entitled to many scholarships in the prestigious colleges and universities. This helps a lot in making their future shine bright.

This method has also brought the advantage to the students that their grading will be assessed based on their performance in their assignments, projects, answering abilities and their overall performance in examination.


The studious can be easily discriminated from the average students and the below average students.

Discrimination among the students- The grading system makes it possible to create discrimination among the students. When the studious, average and below average are discriminated they are divided into different group of same category.

This makes it possible for the teachers to focus on teaching the average and below average group of students in a much effective manner and making the concepts clear to them.

Suppose the students may have scored A or C in any subject but these would have made great disparity in the student’s sense of accomplishment.

Sometimes, the actual knowledge gained by the students is nil as compared to their grades thus, these do not serve as an accurate scoring system and fail to depict the actual knowledge gained by the students in their academic session.


It does not serve as an accurate scoring system- The grading system does not serve as an accurate scoring system.

Grading system should be such that it encourages the students to attain more marks and work smart at the same time. Thus, grading system should be such that students should feel motivated enough to score more grades with an increasing level of knowledge.

It should be able to depict the actual level of knowledge and performance of each student. These were certain advantages and disadvantages that arise as a result of existing grading system. They should be able to develop a keen interest in their academic tasks.


These only show the grades attained or marks scored by the students information and communication technology research papers fail to show the actual level of performance of the students.

Does not accurately present the performance of student- The grading system also fails to clearly depict the actual performance of the students.

Different schools and colleges adopt different ways of assessing the grades as per their needs and standards.

Many educational institutions make use of academic writing tasks for e.g. There are many other ways too to assess the grades. , essay writing etc in assessing the grades of students.

A grading system in the field of education is a system that helps in assessing the level of educational performance of the child which is based entirely upon the points only.

Though the grading system does not at all enhance the ability of the students to think different or to develop a process of creation of any idea still it owns a great place and serve as an indispensable medium to assess the grasping and performing ability of the students.

Mainly, the grades were assessed by adding up the marks attained by the student in each subject and dividing the marks obtained by total marks.

‘Some of that learning applies beyond games to wider life, such as concentration, problem solving, and resilience – important life skills.

Does not put in a sense of competition- Students these days mainly aim at attaining the passing marks and does not get involved in an intense competition to score more marks.


This lack of sense of hitting the competition makes them go lazy and they do not focus much on attaining more marks.

This limits their level of knowledge and they even do not get to understand the concepts which hinder their future growth and success.


In order to stand first in the competition, students often try to memorize the course which they are being taught in school.

She said some games could teach children fine motor control, or help with vocabulary or simple maths, and taught skills such as resilience that could be applicable to real life.