A study of genes controlling carcinogenesis in a regenerative model flatworm Macrostomum lignano

Poster (download) Kitill Ustyantsev1, Valeriya Vavilova2, Mikhail Biryukov3, Eugene Berezikov41Sector of molecular-genetic mechanisms of regeneration ICG SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russia, ustyantsev@bionet.nsc.ru2Sector of molecular-genetic mechanisms of regeneration ICG SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russia, valeriya-vavilova@bionet.nsc.ru3Interinstitutional laboratory of molecular paleogenetics and paleogenomics ICG SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russia, birykov@bionet.nsc.ru4Sector of molecular-genetic mechanisms of regeneration ICG SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russia European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing Groningen, The Netherlands, eberez@bionet.nsc.ru В Free-living flatworm Macrostomum lignano is a novel model organism that provides a genetically tractable experimental system to specifically study the interplay between regulation of regeneration and cancer. Here, we tested two chemical carcinogens (MMS and CsA) and short wavelength ultraviolet irradiation (UVC) in M. lignano in order to identify genes and molecular pathways underlying carcinogenic response in this flatworms. For the first time, sensitivity of M. lignano to hard UV was evaluated, and it was shown that the worm can easily tolerate sterilization-level doses of higher than 100 mJ/cm2. Using differential gene expression analysis based on generated RNA-Seq data, common and individual patterns of M. lignano transcriptional response to the induced carcinogenesis by the tested stimuli were determined. This allowed us to select promising candidate genes for functional studies using RNAi knock-down screens and for determination of their role in stem cells regulation under regeneration and homeostasis in M. lignano.

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