Identification and description of the genes with a high mutation frequency in vagal paragangliomas

Vladislav Pavlov1, Anastasiya Snezhkina2, George Krasnov3, Dmitry Kalinin4, Alexander Golovyuk5, Anna Kudryavtseva61EIMB RAS, vladislav1pavlov@gmail.com2EIMB RAS, leftger@rambler.ru3EIMB RAS, gskrasnov@mail.ru4A.V. Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center of Surgery, dmitry.v.kalinin@gmail.com5A.V. Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center of Surgery, algolovyuk@inbox.ru6EIMB RAS, Vagal paragangliomas (VPGLs) are rare neuroendocrine tumors of the head and neck. Germline and somatic mutations in a number of genes are associated with the development of VPGLs. The MutSigCV algorithm was implemented in a search for genes characterized by a high mutation frequency in VPGLs. For this purpose, we used the previously obtained results of the exome sequencing of 8 VPGL samples. Ten genes have been identified (ZNF717, MUC16, PKD1L2, TTN, MUC3A, MUC5AC, HYDIN, SSPO, FLG, OBSCN), that can potentially be involved in the development and progression of VPGLs. The involvement of these genes in the VPGL pathogenesis is shown for the first time.

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