by Kovalenko I.L. | Galyamina A.G. | Smagin D.A. | Kudryavtseva N.N. | Institute of Cytology and
Genetics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Motivation and Aim: Chronic social stress leads to a mixed anxiety/depression disorder that
is accompanied by psychogenic immunodeficiency and—as shown previously—by the
stimulation of oncogenic processes in mice. Undoubtedly, the hypothalamus is involved in
the pathophysiology of psychoemotional disorders and the related immune pathologies and
cancers. In this brain region of male mice with severe depressive symptoms, we aimed to
identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) encoding proteins related to mechanisms of
carcinogenesis and apoptosis.
Acknowledgements: The study is supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant №
19-15-00026) and by Budget Project № FWNR-2022-0019.