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Закончено рецензирование тезисов, поданных на конференцию BGRS/SB-2022.
Ниже представлена таблица, в которой указаны:
(1) автор, который будет представлять доклад;
(2) тип предоставленного доклада;
(3) название работы;
(4) секция, на которую принят тезис.

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Постерные доклады можно представить в трех видах:
1. на очной/физической постерной сессии в виде напечатанного плаката (формат А1 [70 см. на 85 см.], ориентация — вертикальная), размещенного на стенде. Постерная сессия будет проходить ежедневно утром для тех секций, которые будут идти в расписании в этот день;
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3. короткий видеоролик на 2-3 мин о сути работы, так же размещенный на сайте в разделе интерактивной постерной сессии. Пример ролика с прошлой конференции: https://bgrssb.icgbio.ru/2020/2020/06/29/pharmacological-effects-of-recombinant-fgf21-in-ovariectomized-mice-c57bl-6j/

Просьба по всем неточностям и предложениям в отношении вашего доклада написать в оргкомитет до 20 мая, чтобы мы могли скорректировать данные и общее расписание.

Presenter (1) Type (2) Title of the abstract (3) Symposium/Section (4)
Abakumov A. Without report Chlorophyll quota and energy-intensive substance for prime production estimation of the aquatic ecosystem
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Adamovskaya A. Poster Reconstruction and analysis of the gene network of the external pathway of apoptosis in viral hepatitis C
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Adonina S. Oral The effect of short photoperiod on the behavior, brain serotonin system and BDNF in mice that differ in predisposition to catalepsy
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Afonnikov D. Oral Large scale analysis of the crop transcriptomic data: analysis of out of the reference transcripts
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Afonnikov D. Oral Evolution of the YUCCA protein family: phylogenetic rela-tionships between the YUCCA and Type IIb FMO families
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Afonnikova S. Oral Comparative and evolution genomics of somatic antigens of Oxalobacteraceae family
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Aglyamova A. Oral Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of lectins during cell development in elongation in maize root
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Aisha Tufail Oral Nigella sativa compounds as novel EGFR inhibitor using DFT, molecular docking and molecular Dynamics
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Akberdin I. Poster Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for chicken whole embryo considering transcriptomics data
5.4 Modeling and computer analysis of microbiological systems and processes
Akhmetzianova L. Oral Design primers for LAMP – Amplification
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Akimniyazova A. Poster piRNAs regulate the expression of candidate esophageal adenocarcinoma genes
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Akimov S. Oral Statistical approach to regulation of membrane-permeabilizing activity of antimicrobial peptides
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Akinshin A. Poster Сardiac rhythm and conduction disturbances in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Akopyan A. Poster Restoration of Parkinson’s disease-like deficits with rapamycin and trehalose in a “postponed” mode in murine models
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Akulov A. Oral MRI neurophenotyping of the consequences of experimental hyperglycemia in different genotypes of mice
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Akulova A. Oral Fetal brain automatic segmentation: 3T MRI based study
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Aleksandrovich V. Poster The low level of variability is depicted in plastomes of early soybean varieties
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Alekseev A. Oral Validation of metabolic aging trends on multiple databases
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Alemasova E. Oral Role of PAR and RNA in biomolecular condensate formation
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Aliper E. Poster A model of SARS-CoV-2 spike transmembrane domain linked to the HR2 region: structural organisation and possible role in membrane fusion
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Alsallum M. Oral TrkB.T1 in the mechanisms of genetically-determined depressive-like behavior in mice
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Amit Dubey Oral Exploration of natural flavonoids as novel Topoisomerase II inhibitors using DFT, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Amstislavskaya T. Oral Modeling of Neuropathology on Zebrafish: Traumatic Brain Injury
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Anashkina A. Oral Hierarchical Structure of Protein Sequences – New Insight of Protein Organization
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Anashkina A. Poster Comparison of Hemoglobin Sequences of Normoxic Species to Hypoxia-Resistant Heterocephalus glaber (Naked mole rat)
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Anisimov V. Oral Multi-stage model of aging and carcinogenesis
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Ansuman Lahiri Poster Developing an accurate force field for simulating modified RNA
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Antezana M. Poster A novel, computationally tractable algorithm flags in big matrices every column associated in any way with others or a dependent variable, with much higher power when columns are linked like mutations in chromosomes
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Antonenko A. Poster The daily cycle of glutamate in the retina of OXYS rats during aging and the development of retinopathy
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Ryazantsev G. Oral Functional domain annotation of protein sequences with deep metric learning
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Antonets K. Oral Constructing robust and efficient PCR-based systems to dis-criminate Bacillus cereus subspecies
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Antontseva E. Poster Functional study of rs590352 (ATXN7L3B) associated with colorectal cancer
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Antropova E. Poster Prioritization of pathologies based on the analysis of gene net-works of various macrophage phenotypes using ANDSystem
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Arefieva N. Oral Detection of recombination events in coronavirus genomes from the subgenus sarbecovirus
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Artemenko N. Poster Glume pubescence prediction of spikelets using computer vision techniques
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Ayriyants K. Oral Influence of Administration of Pro-Inflammatory Agents on Development, Individual and Social Behavior of BTBR Mice
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Babak O. Oral Relationship Patterns of the Genetic Regulation of Carotenoid and Flavonoid Accumulation in Tomato Fruits (S. lycopersicum)
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Babenko V. Oral Evolution of gene exon –intron structure by alternative splicing
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Babich T.L. Oral Diversity and possible metabolic activity of the microbial community in nitrate- and radionuclide-contaminated groundwater
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Baboshin M. Poster Software package for retrosynthesis-based prediction of metabolic pathways
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Babushkina N. Poster Re-analysis of DNA methylationin genes associated with bronchial asthma
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Baiandina I. Poster Light perception in Beroidae ctenophores: evidence from laboratory experiments and genomics data
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Bakman A. Poster Using fluorescently labeled proteins to study the interactions of APE1 with DNA and PolОІ during the BER pathway
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Bakunova A. Poster Interaction of D-cycloserine with a D-amino acid transaminase from Haliscomenobacter hydrossis
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Baneh H. Oral Genome-wide association study of carcass traits in an Angus beef cattle Russian herd using Imputed Whole-Genome Se-quence data
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Bankin M. Without report Genomic regions associated with fiber-related traits in flax
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Bannikova S. Poster Terahertz radiation proteomic response of the thermophilic bacterium Geo-bacillus icigianus
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Barbitoff Y. Oral Seeking an optimal approach to variant calling in medical genetics
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Bartsev S. Oral Closure and stability of trophic chains
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Bashirzade A. Oral Combined treatment with autophagy inducers rapamycin and trehalose as an experimental therapy for Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology in mice
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Bashkirov P. Poster Bending compliance of lipid bilayer regulates the curvature threshold and pathway of membrane structural stability loss
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Basu A. Oral Epigenetics behind SARS COV2
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Batlutskaya I. Without report On the role of genetic factors in the development of preeclampsia
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Beklemisheva V. Poster Detailed analysis of distribution of repetitive sequences across genomes of Martes (Mustelidae, Carnivora, Mammalia)
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Belichenko V. Oral Effects of two types of the central (intracerebroventricular vs. intrahippocampal) administration of Aβ25-35 on the induction of Alzheimer’s Disease-like pathology in mice
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Belonogova N. Oral Association of PANX3 with chronic back pain discovered using gene-based analysis
4.2 Genome-wide association studies
Berezhnaya A. Poster QTLs associated with the duration of the developmental phases in wheat
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Bershatsky Y. Poster Diversity of structural-dynamic properties of transmembrane domains among the insulin receptor family
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Bershatsky Y. Poster Application of X-Ray, SAXS and essential dynamics simulations to study conformational transitions of oligopeptidase B
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Bersimbaev R. Oral cf mtDNA as promising biomarker of radon-induced lung can-cer
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Bezdvornykh I. Oral Swaveform: a genome-wide survey of structural variation profiles
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Bezuglov V. Oral ITAS: integrated transcript annotation for small RNA
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Bgatova N. Poster Еxamination of myocardium and adrenal glands structure in patients with COVID-19
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Bikchurina T. Poster Chromosome synapsis and recombination in intraspecific and interspecific heterozygotes for chromosomal rearrangements in voles of the genus Alexandromys
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Biziukova N. Oral Identification of virus-host interaction mechanisms based on text-mining approach
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Bocharov A. Oral Changes in EEG spectral power during interaction with a player in a computer game
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Bocharov E. Oral “Hot spots” for pathogenic gain-of-function mutations in transmembrane domains of receptor tyrosine kinases
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Bocharov E. Poster All-D-enantiomeric peptide designed for Alzheimer´s disease treatment dynamically interacts with amyloidogenic region of membrane-bound amyloid-β peptide precursor
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Bocharov G. Oral Mathematical modelling of antiviral immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Bocharova A. Oral Search for novel genetic variants associated with the variability of cognitive functions in the elderly according to whole exome sequencing data
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Bograya M. Poster MiRNA-dependent regulation of ERBB signaling pathway genes in patients with NASH
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Bohdan D. Poster A non-redundant set of long-range RNA tertiary interactions and their classification
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Bolshakova E. Oral Detection of the DPY19L2 gene deletion using nanopore sequencing
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Boulygina E. Without report Loss-of-function mutations in athletes
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Bragina E. Oral Understanding the role of genetics in comorbidity
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Bratus A. Oral Mathematical model dynamics of pancreatic cancer with interaction of immune system. Approach by replicator quasispecies system.
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Brodt K.
Deep learning for the development of an OCR for old Tibetan books
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Brovkina O. Poster Analysis of hypoxia signature in TCGA-BRCA dataset and in mcf-7 cell line
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Bryanskaya A. Oral Extremal ecosystems as a basis for the creation of the collection of the ICG SB RAS
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Bukin S. Poster Producers and oxidizers of methane in the bottom sediments of Lake Baikal and their potential role in the formation of anomalously 13C-enriched authigenic carbonates
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Bulaev A. Oral Temperature and carbon source as factors affecting the bioox-idation of sulfide concentrate
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Bulygin A. Poster Structural features of substrate recognition by APE1-like endonucleases
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Burnyasheva A. Poster Alterations of glutamatergic/GABAergic systems during healthy aging and Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology in rats
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Bushueva O. Poster Genes, encoding heat-resistant obscure (Hero) proteins: new players in ischemic stroke pathogenesis
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Bushueva O. Oral Molecular mechanisms of cardio- and cerebrovascular comorbidity: from experimental analysis of structural and epigenetic variations in the human genome to post-GWAS analysis of genetic correlations between diseases
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Buslaev V. Poster Functional enrichment analysis of cytochrome P450 genes differential expression in non-smoking lung cancer patients
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Busov I. Poster The system of computer vision for extracting quantitative characteristics of wheat shoots
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Butina T. Oral Viromic studies of aquatic invertebrates
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Buzhilova A. Oral
Upper Palaeolithic anthropological data from Russia in context of bioarchaeology and paleogenetic (on example of Sunghir site and Kostenki XIV)

4.3 Human origin and evolution

Chadaeva I. Poster Domestication explains two-thirds of differential gene expression variance between domestic and wild animals; the remaining one-third reflects intra-specific and interspecific variation
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Chaley M. Without report Variant approach to genus identification of coronavirus genome
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Changalidi A. Poster Trans-biobank genome-wide association analysis for pregnancy complications
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Chen M. Poster Medical genetics and cancer studies based on next-gen sequenc-ing presented at the bioinformatics conferences and young sci-entists schools
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Chepurnov G. Poster Inheritance of the type growth and maturity in Aegilops squarrosa, a donor of the D hexaploid wheat genome
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Cherevko A. Oral Using a combination of mathematical multiphase poroelasticity model of parenchyma and experimental approaches to study hydrocephalus
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Cherkashina O. Poster The pattern of YAP1 distribution in the normal and pathological state of the human epidermis
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Chernyshova I. Poster Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 Inhibitors as topotecan sensitizers
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Chizhova N. Oral Antipsychotic activity of a new PTPN5 blocker (TC-2051) in mice with the Disc1-L100P mutation
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Damarov I. Oral Genome-Wide detection of Human Regulatory SNPs Based on analysis of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq complex data
4.2 Genome-wide association studies
Danilchenko V Oral Preliminary bioinformatic analysis to optimize the testing of the SLC26A4 pathogenic variants involved in hearing loss
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Danilchenko V. Poster Specific allelic diversity of the SLC26A4 gene associated with hearing loss in the indigenous peoples of Southern Siberia (Russia)
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Danilenko V. Oral Study of human and animal microbiome as genetic and pharmacological resources for the development of innovative biotechnologies for medicine, animal husbandry and agro-industrial complex.
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Danilova A. Without report Ethnic Assortativeness and Endogamy Index among Yakuts in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Das B.B. Oral Top1-PARP1 association and beyond: from DNA topology to break repair
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Das R. Poster Note on genomic ancestry and variation in disease susceptibility
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Das R. Oral Genomic variation underlies the severity of COVID-19 clinical manifestation
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Daugavet M. Oral Bacteriophages as vectors of gene transfer from prokaryotes to eukaryotes
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Davletgildeeva A. Poster Features of the substrate specificity of a novel AP endonuclease from Pyrococcus furiosus
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Davydova A. Oral Hemoglobin-binding 2′-F-modified RNA aptamers: structure studies and analytical application
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Dedysh S. Oral Methanotroph diversity in natural and anthropogenic habitats as an inexhaustible source of novel biotechnologically relevant strains
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Deeva A. Poster Structural features of bacterial luciferase related to temperature adaptation
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Degtyareva A. Poster Functional study of rs2072580 (SART3 and ISCU genes) associated with breast cancer
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Demenkov P. Poster Assembly and annotation pipeline for microorganism genomes from sequence to gene networks
5.4 Modeling and computer analysis of microbiological systems and processes
Derevianchenko S. Poster Development of an algorithm for facts extraction from the texts of biomedical articles
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Dergilev A. Without report Computer modeling of glioblastoma gene network and hub genes analysis
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Deryusheva E. Without report In search for the peptide/protein ligands of human serum albumin able to affect its interaction with amyloid ОІ peptide
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Deviatiiarov R. Oral Transcriptome of failing human heart reveals atrial myocytes reprogramming
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Diatlova E. Oral Base excision repair in non-canonical DNA structures
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Dikaya V. Poster Grass frog (Rana temporaria) tandem repeats in the genome and oocytes’ transcriptome
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Djordjevic M. Oral Combining machine learning and non-linear dynamics modeling to understand COVID-19 risk factors
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Dmitrieva D. Poster Protein design strategy for structure determination of a peptide GPCR
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Dobrovolskaya M. Oral
Genetic diseases and congenital genetic anomalies in the study of ancient cultures (prospects for interdisciplinary research)

4.3 Human origin and evolution

Dolgikh V. Oral Integration of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data in structure-function analysis of cis-regulatory elements
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Dolgova E. Poster The new general biological property of stem-like tumor cells
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Duk M. Poster Structural Variation in Flax Linum Usitatissimum L. Genome
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Dvorianinova E. Poster Sequencing Linum usitatissimum L. genomic DNA extracted from nuclei
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Dyrkheeva N. Oral TOP1, TDP1, and PARP1 inhibition: coupling and association
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Dzhaubermezov M. Oral
Ancient DNA analysis of the North Caucasus populations from the III-XIII AD

4.3 Human origin and evolution

Efimov V. Poster Correlation between the Variability of Mammalian Molecular Genetic Sequences and the Geoclimatic Characteristics of Their Habitats
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Efimov K. Oral New features of the PCA-Seq method in time series analysis (on the example of COVID-19)
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Efremov R. Oral «Dynamic molecular portraits» of biomembranes: a computational insight.
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Efremova A. Poster Research and analysis of genes associated with hereditary pre-disposition to Crohn’s disease and reconstruction of the gene network using bioinformatics tools
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Egorova A. Oral Third-generation cephalosporin and fluoroquinolone re-sistance in Salmonella enterica associated with antimicrobial resistance genes
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Elgaeva E. Oral Bidirectional Mendelian randomization study reveals causal effects of psychosocial factors on chronic back pain and vice versa
4.2 Genome-wide association studies
Elisafenko E. Poster Tracing the origin and evolution of the locus containing paralogous CENH3 genes in cereals
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Elistratova M. Poster Computer analysis of genes associated with Kaposi’s sarcoma
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Emirsaliiev A. Poster Longread-only approach to the organellar genome assembly of a rare endemic non-model species Crepis callicephala Juz. (Asteraceae)
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Endutkin A. Oral Bioorthogonality in the light of cell defense mechanisms: interaction of non-natural nucleic acids with the base excision dna repair system
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Enes Esvet Kuzucu Without report Button Press Detection from EEG signals using Deep Learning
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Enikeeva R. Poster Impact of P2RX7 and TNF/LTA gene polymorphisms in non-verbal intelligence in mentally healthy individuals
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Epimakhova E. Poster Effect of DNA-hydrolyzing catalytic IgGs from schizophrenia patients on cell viability of the SH-SY5Y cell line
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Eremin D. Oral Effects of central administration of Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) on the behavior and serotonin system in the mouse brain
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Ermakov E. Poster Multiplex analysis of serum cytokine profiles in patients with multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Ershov A. Oral Halophilic bacteria of the genera Halomonas and Marinobacter from petroleum reservoirs and their possible applications in biotechnology
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Evgen’ev M. Oral Hsp70 and donors of H2S in aging-associated diseases and inflammation
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Fathalla A Rihan Oral Qualitative and Quantitative Features of Delay Differential Equations and Applications to Biology
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Fedorov D. Oral Automatic identification of contaminating sequences in amplicon sequencing data
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Fedorova S. Without report Transcriptome analysis of Trl mutants reveals the role of mitochondria in the mass death of germ cells
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Fedoseeva L. Without report Changes in the expression of lncRNAs RGD1564482 and RT1-CE6 in the adrenal glands may be associated with the development of a stress-sensitive form of hypertension in ISIAH rats
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Fenghua Lan Oral Alternative splicing of human FMR1 gene in peripheral blood: making a single-gene transcriptome
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Filatova A. Oral Annotation of uORFs in the OMIM genes allows to identify disease-causing variants in 5`UTRs
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Firsov A. Oral Small world effect of the miRNA science field drives its growth
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Fofanov M. Oral Comparative bioinformatic analysis of Hi-C chromosome-level scaffolds and chromosome painting maps of Vulpes vulpes and Canis familiaris (Canidae, Carnivora, Mammalia)
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Fomin E. Poster Changes in the Phenology of Perennial Plants in Western Siberia against the Background of Global Warming
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Fomin I. Without report StCDF1 gene editing in wild potato protoplasts
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Frisman E. Poster Bifurcation mechanisms leading to the genetic divergence of two populations coupled by migration
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Furman D. Poster Morphogenesis of Drosophila melanogaster Mechanoreceptors: System Regulation
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Gainova I. Oral Interferon system response to virus infection
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Galzitskaya O. Poster Evaluation of the bacterial ribosomal protein S1 gene (rpsA) from the position of structural repetition
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Galzitskaya O. Oral Study of membrane permeability for various peptides by steered molecular dynamics
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Gam A. Oral Implementation of a spanning trees sampling algorithm to detect 4-motifs
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Gatskaya S. Oral CENH3 gene duplication leads to heterogeneous organization of centromeric chromatin in rye
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Gaysler E. Oral using big data to create a clinical decision support system
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Gazizova G. Poster Dormice functional genome annotation project: the first insights on regulation of hibernation
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Genaev M. Oral Classification of fruit flies by gender in images based on the YOLOv4-tiny neural network using mobile devices
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Gild E. Poster The effect of diol on behavior in a MPTP-induced model of Parkinson’s disease in mice
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Gilda Eslami Oral Toxoplasma gondii proteins: Development of bioinformatics analysis for vaccine design against toxoplasmosis
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Golikova P. Poster Mutation c.396dupT in the CLN6 gene — the main cause of neuronal ceroid lipofucinosis in Yakutia
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Golubyatnikov V. Oral Mathematical and numerical modelling of the circadian oscillator
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Golubyatnikov V. Oral On uniqueness and stability of a cycle of one Elowitz-Leibler type dynamical system
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Goncharuk M. Poster Sampling the parameter space for heterologous bacterial production of intracellular domain of TLR1 reveals multiple optima
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Goncharuk S. Oral Solving the structural puzzle of neurotrophin signaling
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Gorbenko I. Oral CRISPR-like elements and MGEs in A.thaliana nuclear genome
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Gorchakov V. Without report Regional principle of aging dynamics of visceral lymph nodes of different lymphatic regions
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Gorelov S. Oral Finding possible inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 proteins using virtual ligand screening
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Goryachkovskaya T. Oral Technological aspects of the search, cloning and production of enzymes for industrial use
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Gridina M. Oral Exo-C is a new Hi-C-based method for all type genome structural variants detection
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Gromyko D. Oral Promoter motif inference and annotation of promoter sequences in bacterial genomes based on the analysis of structures of alternative sigma factor-promoter complexes
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Guber A. Oral Acoustic tomography: inverse problem of source recovery
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Hebatallah J. Alsakaji Oral Dynamics of stochastic delay differential models for COVID-19: Case study in the UAE
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Hofestadt R. Oral Petri net modeling and simulation of biological networks
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Hua Li Oral Chronic disease markers analysis using high-throughput se-quencing approaches
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Ignatieva E. Poster Functional and evolutionary characteristics of the gene network controlling appetite in mice: lessons from knockout or knock-down animals
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Igoshin A. Poster Imputation-based whole-genome analysis identifies candidate variants affecting body temperature under the cold stress in Siberian cattle
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Ilic B. Oral Analytical and numerical study of infection progression under social distancing measures
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Ilina E. Poster Interaction of triazinylamidophosphate-containing oligonucleotides with cells and DNA-binding proteins
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Illarionov R. Oral MicroRNA and piRNA profiles during pregnancy in serum and plasma
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Ilyasov R. Oral Metagenomic studies of the honey bee gut microbiome: prospects for the development of pharmabiotics
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Ishchenko I. Poster Melatonin effect on the thymus cell composition in mice with functional pinealectomy
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Ivanchenko M. Oral Biomarkers of aging and age-related diseases: from linear re-gression to Explainable Artificial Intelligence
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Ivanisenko N. Oral Computational design of molecular probes targeting CD95 sig-naling pathway
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Ivanisenko T. Oral ANDDigest: An AI-enhanced Web-Tool for Finding Information in the Biological Literature
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Ivanisenko V. Oral ANDSystem: cognitive computer system for automated gene networks reconstruction and analysis
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Ivanov A. Without report Isolation of high quality RNA from P. infestans for transcriptome analysis
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Ivanov N. Oral Insights of the genome evolution in the Nicotiana genus
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Ivanov R. Oral Phylostratigraphic Analysis of Human Cancers Transcriptomic Data
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Ivashchenko A. Poster Features of the interaction of human piRNAs with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus genome
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Kabardin I. Oral Development of optical and ultrasound methods for the multi-phase flows investigation and numerical calculations verification in biotechnological process
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Kabirova E. Oral Influence of TADs boundary disruption on 3D genome organisation and genes expression at the mouse Pdgfra/Kit/Kdr locus
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Kakoli Bose Oral Inter-subunit Crosstalk Synergistically Regulates Allosteric Activation of Proapoptotic Serine Protease HtrA2
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Kalinin A. Poster Individual features of the development of anthrax pathogen strains with different phenotypes on a soil environment model
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Kalinn V. Oral Tumor mechanobiology and related prospects for targeted therapies. In Silico simulations and analysis
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Kamanova E. Poster Viral metagenomic analysis of publicly available genomic and transcriptomic samples from Simuliidae and Ceratopogonidae insects
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Kaminskaya Ya. Oral HippocampalВ overexpression of cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF)В affected the behavior of mice with genetically-defined depressive-like behavior
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Kaminskiy G. Oral Behavior changes of epidemic control in condition of sufficient and limited resources
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Karasev D. Oral Predicting the protein-ligand interactions based on ligands’ structures and proteins’ sequences
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Karetnikov D. Oral Reconstruction and analysis of potato Solanum tuberosum pan-genome of Siberian cultivars
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Karogodina T. Poster N-Nitroso-BODIPY derivatives as effective Light activated NO donors
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Karpenko D. Oral Multidimensional analysis, dimension reduction, categorization with statistical approach — stability and reproducibility
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Karpenko D. Oral Recursive matrix algorithm for calculating differential expressions
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Karpova A. Oral EEG reactions in Yakuts and labor migrants under execution of Stop-signal paradigm
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Karpova N. Poster In silico determination of the risk haplotype for developing AMD
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Karpova N. Oral In silico determination of the risk haplotype for developing preeclampsia
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Karyagina A. Poster Diversity and distribution of restriction-modification systems in natural mi-crobial multi-species community of Antarctic Deep Lake
5.4 Modeling and computer analysis of microbiological systems and processes
Kazantsev F. Oral Finding the ways for potential increasing of L-valine biosynthesis yield in C. glutamicum with mathematical modeling
5.4 Modeling and computer analysis of microbiological systems and processes
Kazantseva A. Oral The use of genetic risk score approach to predict higher depression risk in young adults
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Kelbin V. Poster Whole genome sequencing and development of KASP markers for genotyping the West Siberian wheat stem rust population
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Khalyavkin A. Oral Aging is a sequential multisystem syndrome, preventable and reversible under certain conditions
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Kharchenko V. Oral The real function of the gene TERMINAL FLOWER 1
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Kharevich A. Oral
Late Neanderthals of the Altay

4.3 Human origin and evolution

Kharkov V. Oral Detailed phylogeny of the Y-chromosome haplogroup N1a2 in the populations of Siberia and Eastern Europe
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Khlebodarova T. Poster Impact of negative feedbacks on de novo pyrimidines biosynthesis in E.coli
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Khokhlov A. Oral Fighting Alzheimer’s disease: is there a chance to conquer?
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Khorn P. Poster Protein-lipid nanoparticles for studying G-protein coupled receptors functional properties
3.1 The role of synchrotron radiation and advanced instrumental techniques for macromolecular crystallography and pharmacology
Khrameeva E. Oral Maps of chromatin conformation in the cerebral cortex
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Khristichenko M. Oral Computation and tracing of periodic solutions of Marchuk-Petrov model
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Khrunin A. Without report Searching genomic signals of natural selection and local adaptation in populations of Russia
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Kilchevsky A. Oral Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Microbiome Genetics
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Kim D. Oral Transcriptional mutagenesis-based reporter system for the analysis of DNA repair
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Kirillov B. Poster Finite element modeling of physical processes in multilayer spheroids based on Functional Representations
5.4 Modeling and computer analysis of microbiological systems and processes
Kiryanova O. Poster The new method of DNA barcoding
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Kiryushkin A. Oral Does DEEPER ROOTING 1 (DRO1) gene of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) regulate a lateral root angle?
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Kisaretova P. Poster Meta-analysis of transcriptomic changes in prefrontal cortex after chronic social defeat stress
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Kiselev I.N. Poster A Delay Differential Equation approach to model the COVID-19 pandemic
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Kiseleva A. Oral Dissection of candidate genes for grain texture in common wheat
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Kisselevskaya-Babinina V. Oral Markov model of hospitalized patients with COVID-19
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Kladova O. Poster Activity of natural polymorphic variants G118V and R149I of DNA polymerase ОІ
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Klemeshova D. Oral Analysis of behavioral and EEG responses given the performing tasks to control attention and behavior in children with emotional instability
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Klimenko A. Poster Genome assembly of a new Wolbachia pipientis strain: a promising source for studying Drosophila melanogaster endosymbiosis
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Kobalo N. Oral Stationary and non-stationary mutagenesis in the SARS-CoV-2 genome
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Kobzeva K. Poster Genes for aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling are associated with uterine fibroids susceptibility
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Koksharova G. Poster Different approaches to chromosome rearrangement detection in the model cell line
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Kolmykov S. Oral Transcription factor binding sites: data integration, stable identifiers and incremental builds
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Kolodkin A. Oral ROS networks: designs, aging, Parkinson’s disease and preci-sion therapies
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Kolokoltsov V. Oral Fighting ticks with functional-analytic guns
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Kolosov A. Poster Bioleaching of sulfide copper-nickel ores
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Kolpakov F. Oral Sirius platform as environment for evolutionary development of mathematical models of complex biological systems
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Koltover V.K. Oral lron-sulfur nitrosyl complexes as potential therapeutic agents for anti-aging pharmacology and radiation medicine
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Koltsova A. Poster Effect of estrogen and progesterone on the frequency and spectrum of karyotypically abnormal cells in cultured uterine leiomyomas
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Komyshev E. Poster Analysis of the size and color characteristics of wheat grains and their relationship to storage time and germination
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Konanov D. Poster Applicability of the Oxford Nanopore sequencing technology to DNA modifications analysis
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Kondakova E. Poster Comprehensive biomarkers of accelerated aging and mortality risk in end-stage renal disease
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
König C. Oral Combined treatment with small molecules targeting c-FLIP and Mcl-1 promotes apoptosis and necroptosis in pancreatic cancer cells
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Konstantinova A. Poster Transfer Learning for protein stability prediction
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Konstantinovna A. Poster The daily cycle of glutamate in the retina of OXYS rats during aging and the development of retinopathy
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Kopylova G. Without report Influence of tropomodulin 1 on calcium regulation of actin-myosin interaction in the ventricles
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Korenskaia A. Oral Bioinformatic assessment of factors affecting the correlation between protein abundance and elongation efficiency in prokaryotes
5.4 Modeling and computer analysis of microbiological systems and processes
Korenskaia A. Poster Integration of transcriptomic, genomic, and proteomic data in order to assess the impact of translation efficiency features on protein abundance for various prokaryotes
5.4 Modeling and computer analysis of microbiological systems and processes
Kornienko T. Poster Usnic acid derivative antitumor, antimetastatic, and hematoprotective effects in the Lewis carcinoma model
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Korobeynikova A. Oral Lymphocyte migration factors in breast cancer: a transcriptome analysis
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Korobkov A. Poster ОІ-Turns Parameters Refinement Using Neutron Diffraction Data
3.1 The role of synchrotron radiation and advanced instrumental techniques for macromolecular crystallography and pharmacology
Korolenko T. Oral Neurodegeneration and diabetes; positive effect of trehalose in behavior of db/db mice, model of diabetes
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Korolenko T. Oral Autophagy inducer trehalose positive effect in db/db mice, genetic model of diabetes
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Korotkova A. Oral Differential Gene Expression Analysis in Barley Nud Gene Mutants
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Kot E. Poster Activation of a Trk receptor is mediated by a disordered extracellular juxtamembrane region
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Kot E. Poster NMR study of lipid/protein interactions in trifluoroethanol-water mixtures proposes the strategy for the refolding of helical membrane proteins
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Koteneva E. Poster Creation of a collection of variants of the Bacillus anthracis 1 CO strain with different biological properties to study the adaptation of the anthrax microbe to different living conditions
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Kotova T. Poster Protein design and crystallization trials for constitutively active CysLT2R with oncogenic L129Q mutation
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Koval O. Oral Non-thermal atmospheric plasma in cancer therapy: cell death mechanisms and immunity
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Kovalenko I. Poster Effects of chronic social stress on the expression of carcinogenesis-associated and apoptosis-associated genes in the hypothalamus of mice
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Kovalev S. Without report Distribution of total cholesterol and glucose parameters in a sample of Tuvans in Kyzyl
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Kovaleva E. Poster On the question of activity of oxidative branch of Pentose Phosphate shunt in pgl mutant of E. coli
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Kovner A. Oral A new approach to stimulating the wound healing based on Opisthorchis felineus proteins
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Kovrizhnykh V. Poster Salicylic acid and abiotic stress: nature of interaction
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Kovtun A. Oral Bioinformatics approaches and methods for analysis of gut microbiota
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Kozhekin M. Poster
Wheat yield estimation based on analysis of UAV images at low altitude
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Kozhevnikova O. Poster Aqueous humor complement factor I concentration is associated with SNP of CFI gene
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Kozhevnikova O. Oral Pharmacogenetic influence of complement genes genotypes on the response to anti-VEGF treatment for age-related macular degeneration in a Russian population
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Kozlova A. Poster Search and analysis of prophages related to phage AP-16-3 in genomes of Sinorhizobium spp.
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Kozlova O. Poster First insight into regeneration potential of the ears of Acomys cahirinus in the single-cell resolution
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Kozlova T. Poster Morphological feature of the postnatal blood-brain barrier formation as one of predictors of AD-like pathology development in rats
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Krasikova A. Oral Chicken oocyte transcriptome: RNAseq of nuclear and cytoplasmic long and short RNAs
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Krasikova Yu. Oral NER additional players at the repair late stages
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Krasner K. Oral Relex Smile lenticules as a source of obtaining stromal corneal cells
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Krasnova O. Poster Autophagy activation in 3D-spheroid leads to the mesenchymal stem cells rejuvenation
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Krinitsina A. Without report Ability to obtain of ITS1 and ITS2 DNA barcode for metabar-coding of historical herbarium specimens.
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Kriukov D. Oral Longevity And Rejuvenation Effects Of Cell Reprogramming Are Decoupled From The Loss Of Somatic Identity
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Krivorotko O. Oral Mathematical modeling and identifiability aspects in epidemiology
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Kropochev A. Oral Synthetic community analysis by the trait-based method of quantitative assessment of ecological functional groups
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Kubareva E. Oral N2-heteroaryl modified guanine in DNA induces the initiation of mismatch repair
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Kudryavtseva O. Poster Polymorphism in genes involved in glutathione metabolism is associated with the risk of uterine fibroids
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Kukuman D. (Golubev D.)
Oral Geroprotective properties of Vaccinium uliginosum L. and Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum L. on the Drosophila melanogaster model
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Kukushkina I. Oral Role of Hsp70 chaperones in age-related changes in skeletal muscle proteome in Drosophila melanogaster
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Kulaeva E. Poster Exploring lncRNA-mRNA signatures in relapsed acute myeloid leukemia compared with primary tumors
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Kulakovskiy I. Oral Interpreting non-coding genome variation with DNA sequence motifs
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Kulbachinskiy A. Oral Bacterial Argonaute proteins as sensors of DNA damage and repair
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Kulms D. Oral Focal adhesion kinase plays a dual role in TRAIL resistance and metastatic outgrowth of malignant melanoma
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Kulyashov M. Oral Deciphering a Cu-dependent metabolism of the Methylotuvimicrobium alcaliphilum 20ZR methanotroph by integration of transcriptomics data into a genome-scale metabolic model.
5.4 Modeling and computer analysis of microbiological systems and processes
Kupriyanova E. Without report Metatranscriptomic analysis of the stomach antrum vs corpus biopsy microbiota in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Kurgina T. Oral HPF1 can promote opposite effects on different stages of PARP1 and PARP2 autoPARylation and histone modification
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Kurochkina N. Oral Effect of aging, chronic inflammation and long-term physical disability on human skeletal muscle transcriptome
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Kutuzov M. Oral PARP2 and BER in the nucleosomal context
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Kuzmin A. Oral Structure and dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Kuznetsov N. Oral A conserved mechanism of damage recognition by apurinic/apyrimidinic endonucleases from different structural families
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Kuznetsova A. Poster The pre-steady state analysis of human terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase conformational dynamics under DNA synthesis
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Lachynova M. Oral Development and application of a computational pipeline to analyze genes encoding phospholipase domains in flatworms
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Lakhno V. Oral Bioinformatics and nanobioelectronics. Informatics based on biocomputer technologies
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Lakhova T. Poster Reconstruction of mathematical frame models of bacterial transcription regulation based on transcriptional regulatory networks
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Lalova M. Poster Study of the scaling possibility of the process of obtaining feed protein from natural gas
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Larichev K. Poster Development of CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing constructs for Nevsky and Udacha potato cultivars
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Lashin S. Oral On organizing a software platform for seeking biotechnologically important features in bacteria
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Lavrekha V. Poster CisCross web service: a gene set enrichment analysis to predict the upstream regulators in Arabidopsis thaliana
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Lavrik I. Oral Delineating molecular mechanisms of c-FLIP isoforms as control checkpoints of DED filament assembly and caspase-8 activation
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Lavrik O. Oral Regulation of PARP1 activity by its protein partners
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Letyagin A. Oral Artificial intelligence (AI) of 3D MRI images for neurooncology
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Levchenko I. Oral Study of the mechanism of reactions catalyzed by complexes of cytochrome c with cardiolipin
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Levitsky V. Oral Web-MCOT server for motifs co-occurrence search in ChIP-seq data
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Litti Y. Oral Effect of organic loading rate on the biohythane production in the continuous two-stage anaerobic digestion of confectionery wastewater
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Litunenko D. Oral A device reporting cell culture growth in CO2 incubator via Bluetooth
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Loboda A. Oral A platform for case-control matching enables association studies without genotype sharing
4.2 Genome-wide association studies
Logachev A. Oral Pangenome construction and analyses for a population of flax parasitic fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lini
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Logofet D. Oral Alpine resort or battle for survival: A didactic story about short-lived perennials and their matrix models
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Lukyanchikova V. Oral Insights into the 3D-genome organization in malaria mosquitoes
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Lushpa V. Poster Changes in the structure and dynamics of the intracellular domain of Toll-like receptors 1 under the action of Zn2+
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Lyapina E. Oral Allosteric ligand subpocket of S1P5 as a determinant of inverse agonism and ligand specificity
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Lyamzaev K.
Innate immunity as an executor of phenoptosis – the programmed death of individual organisms for the sake of the whole population
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Lyukmanova E. Oral Membrane Environment Regulates Interaction of Three-Finger Toxins with Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Makarikova O. Poster Study of distribution and evolution of restriction-modification systems with restriction endonuclease of the AlwI family
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Makarova A. Oral Mechanism of primase activity human primase polymerase PrimPol
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Makarova V. Without report Extracellular matrix in experimental hepatocarcinoma-29
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Makhnovskii P. Oral Alternative transcription start sites contribute to acute-stress–induced transcriptome response in human skeletal muscle
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Maluchenko N. Oral Nucleosome reorganization by PARP-1
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Malyugin E. Poster Computer annotation of plant protein sequences based on sequence similarity and orthology
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Malyutina S. Oral Vascular wall and molecular markers of age in an ageing population
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Manakhov A. Oral New generation dressings for wound healing: combined anti-bacterial activity and boosted regeneration process
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Markova E. Oral Psychoneuroimmunomodulating effect of immune cells in depressive-like mice.
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Maslov D. Oral Insights into Opisthorchis felineus genome organization.
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Maslova A. Oral Chromosome structural variations of the chicken erythroblast HD3 cell line identified by Hi-C
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Matveenko A. Oral Amplification of the release factor genes as a mechanism of adaptation in yeast
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Matyushkina D. Poster Autoimmune effect of antibodies against the SARS-Cov-2 nu-cleoprotein
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Medvedeva J. Oral Functional annotation of lncRNAs involved in epigenetic regulation in normal and pathological processes
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Meger Y. Poster Peroxidase gene family in Prunus persica (L.)
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Meger Y. Poster Phylogeography and local endemism of Artemia salina (Cruatacea, Anostraca) in the hypersaline Lake Sasyk-Sivash (Crimea)
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Melikhova A. Oral Textual and Structural Analysis of RNA Polymerase II Core Promoter of Evolutionary Diverse Organisms
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Menzorov A. Poster Production of fox FGF2 for fox pluripotent stem cell culture
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Meshcheryakov G. Oral Beta negative binomial mixture model facilitates identification of allele-specific gene regulation in high-throughput sequencing data
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Meshcheryakova I. Poster The minimal medium irradiated with terahertz radiation induces proteins of homeostasis of transition metal ions and represses proteins of amino acid metabolism when E. coli cells are cultivated on it
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Michelle Liou Oral
Approach-avoidance conflicts
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Mikhaylova Y. Oral Whole-genome analysis of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from ready-to-eat food
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Milakhina N. Oral Correlation of resting-state EEG indicators with personal and genetic characteristics of subjects living in different socio-climatic conditions
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Milyaeva P. Oral The role of the rhino gene in the transcriptional regulation of different piRNA clusters
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Mineev K. Oral Structure of Toll-like receptors: the input from solution NMR spectroscopy
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Valova Ya. Poster Screening of the pathogenic variant c.3751dupA of the BRCA2 gene in women from the Republic of Bashkortostan
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Minina J. Without report Quantitative estimation of trisomy on chromosome 6 in embryonic fibroblasts of mice carrying duplications obtained using CRISPR/Cas9 technology
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Miroshnichenko M. Oral Mathematical modeling of SARS-CoV-2 infection process and virus spreading in the human body considering B and T cell-mediated immune responses
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Miroshnichenko S. Poster Effect of a sorbent on aluminum oxide and polydimethylsiloxane on thymus cellular composition in mice under 24-hour lighting
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Mishin A. Oral Overview of lipid-sensing GPCR receptors structure and function
3.1 The role of synchrotron radiation and advanced instrumental techniques for macromolecular crystallography and pharmacology
Mokrushnikov P. Poster Lipids lateral diffusion study associated with structural changes in cytoplasmic membranes
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Morgunova G. Oral Relationship between basal metabolic rate, muscle strength and aging
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Morozov A. Oral Elusive recurrent bacterial contamination in a diatom culture: a case study
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Morozova K. Without report MnFe2O4 nanoparticles invasion in nose-associated lymphoid tissue
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Morozova M. Without report Investigation of influence of the gut microbial composition associated with colitis on mice behavior
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Moshensky D. Poster Essential and advantageous genes detection in prokaryotic genomes
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Moshkin M. Oral Developmental instability in mouse conceived by in vitro fertilization
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Moskalensky A. Poster Nucleoside analogues with photoremovable protecting groups for efficient light-controlled inhibition of viral infection
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Moskalensky A. Poster Study of platelet activation in a system continuously releasing nitric oxide
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Mozheiko E. Poster
Efficient detection of structural variations using capture-Hi-C data
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Mukhin A. Oral Data lake platform of the bacterial strain properties for microbiology
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Muraleva N. Poster MEK1/2-ERK 1/2–dependent alphaB-crystallin phosphorylation in retina: a focus on aging and age-related macular degeneration
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Mursalimov S. Oral Processing of serial microscopic images for 3D reconstruction of plant tissues
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Murtaza I. Oral Profiling of targeted miRNAs (8-mer) for the genes involved in type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiac hypertrophy
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Alborova I. Oral Archaeology, anthropology and paleogenetics of the Fatyanovo culture — new results
4.3 Human origin and evolution
Mustafin Z. Oral Evolutionary analysis of gene networks with Orthoweb software
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Mutovina A. Poster Different immune challenges alter hypothalamus microglia and astrocytes activity in the adult BTBR and C57Bl/6 mice.
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Myakinkov I. Oral Development of a mESC line for studying the condensin II influence on interphase 3D genome organization
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Nancy Joseline Ontiveros Euan Poster G-quadruplex structures in the genomes of Human Papilomaviruses 16, 18 and 58: Promising molecular targets
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Natashin P. Poster Can Ca2+-regulated photoproteins perform different functions than bioluminescence?
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Naumenko K. Poster Regulation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 activity by Y-box-binding protein 1
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Naumenko V. Oral Effects of amisulpride on the Tau-protein hyperphosphori-lation in OXYS rats- a model of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Naumoff D. Oral High glycolytic potential of Humisphaera borealis, a planctomycete of the class Phycisphaerae
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Nazarova G. Oral Hereditary predisposition to seizures in response to handling and its relation to life expectancy in the water vole (Arvicola amphibius L.)
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Nebrat V. Oral Human water model: interstitium and meridians of traditional Chinese medicine
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Nedoluzhko A. Oral
Ancient DNA analysis of mummies from the post-Scythian Oglakhty cemetery in South Siberia.
4.3 Human origin and evolution
Neganova I. Oral Creation of the mathematical model for the prognostic analysis of human pluripotent stem cells based on their morphological portrait.
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Nemashkalova E. Without report The low-molecular-weight ligands of human serum albumin, promoting its interaction with amyloid ОІ peptide
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Nenad Mitic Oral Large scale clustering in structural and evolutionary analysis of SARS-CoV-2 proteins
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Nenasheva N. Poster Less is more: filtering and trimming ONT sequencing data
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Neverova G. Oral Evolutionary dynamics of predator in a community of interacting species
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Neverova G. Poster Modeling dynamics of a plankton community using a discrete-time model
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Nizhnikov A. Oral Amyloid formation is a widespread phenomenon in land plant species
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Nostaeva A. Oral The influence of environmental and genetic factors on the portability of polygenic risk score models across diverse ancestry groups
4.2 Genome-wide association studies
Novikov K. Oral Coupled agent-based model of COVID-19 and major depressive disorder spread in Moscow
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Novikova P. Oral Adaptation to polyploidy in Siberian Arabidopsis lyrata
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Nuriddinov M. Oral Simulating of 3D genome data with predefined chromosomal rearrangements
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Nurislamov A. Oral Single-cell DNA methylation analysis of chicken diplotene oocytes
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Nurmukanova V. Poster Application of a novel k-mer primer design algorithm for detecting antibiotic resistance determinants
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Obanina N. Poster ER stress in mice prefrontal cortex pyramidal neurons in peripheral tumor growth
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Okhrimenko I. Oral Microbial light-driven ion pumps and channels
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Olga S. Oral Revealing the molecular basis of interactions of COVID-19 with hyperglycemia and diabetic complications based on the bioinformatics analysis of the gene networks
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Omelyanchuk N. Poster Salicylic acid treatment changes plant root system patterning
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Orlov Yu Oral Analysis of multiple transcription factors binding in the model plant genomes
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Orlov Yu. Poster Artificial Intelligence implementation in pharmaceutical products lifecycle
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Orlov Yu. Poster Digital medicine education problems and online solutions
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Oshchepkov D. Poster Stress reactivity, susceptibility to hypertension, and differential expression of genes in hypertensive compared to normotensive patients
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Osypov A. Poster Evolutionary role of genomic DNA physical properties in the realization of its elements’ biological functions
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Ovsyannikova A. Oral Possibilities of molecular genetic research in the diagnosis of MODY diabetes
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Pakharukov Yu. Poster Anthelmintic activity of antioxidants: in vitro effects on the liver fluke Opisthorchis felineus
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Pakharukova M. Oral Trilateral relationship: food-borne trematodes, microbiota, and experimental host
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Palyanov A. Oral Towards artificial minds through computer simulation of natural ones, from simple to more complex
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Panov A. Oral Current views on the mechanisms of aging
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Panova V. Poster Classification of families of DNA-recognizing protein domains based on structural features of DNA-protein complexes
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Parshin D. Oral Modern trends in personalized hemodynamics
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Pasyukova E. Oral Natural variability in the regulatory regions of longevity genes and ecological adaptation
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Pelevina A. Poster Р hosphate-accumulating microbial community selection in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Peltek S. Oral Industrial enzymes production based on genetically engineered microorganisms strains of super-producers
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Peltek S. Oral The impact of terahertz radiation on living systems
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Penenko A. Oral Inverse modeling of biological processes in sensitivity operator framework
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Penkin L. Oral The potential usability of Oxford Nanopore Technology for revealing of SARS-CoV-2 dual infection and intra-host viral variability in clinical samples
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Peretolchina T. Poster Genetic diversity of bryozoan relict Hislopia placoides (Gymnolaemata: Hislopiidae) in Lake Baikal
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Permyakova E. Oral Curdlan/Chitosan/Ag NPs Foams for healing chronic wounds
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Pervfil`ev P. Poster Natural variation of E1-E4, E9, GmFT5a genes in 180 soybean accessions adapted to Novosibirsk regions
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Petrakova V. Oral Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of incomes of the population under epidemic process
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Petrova A. Poster Role of the formation of fibers with a tertiary cell wall in the biomechanical system of the whole plant
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Petrushin I. Oral Diversity of CRISPR arrays identified into plant mitochondrial genomes
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Peunov D. Poster Analysis of changes in microglia and cerebral endothelium in hippocampus of OXYS rats during progression of Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology.
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Pilipenko A. Oral
Reconstruction of genetic history in Southern Siberia by paleogenetic study of diachronic population samples

4.3 Human origin and evolution

Pimenov N. Oral Microbial anammox communities: structure, physiological and biochemical characteristics, and possibilities of directed modification.
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Pletenev I. Oral Whole-genome analysis of epigenetic control of human GABAergic interneuron differentiation
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Plotnikov E. Oral Accumulation of damaged mitochondrial DNA in tissues of aged rats and the impact of dietary restriction on this process
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Podkolodnyy N. Oral Age-related alterations in the mouse liver circadian clock are caused by an imbalance of the NAD + consumption system
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Poleksic A. Oral Non-Euclidean machine learning methods in systems biology
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Ponomarenko M. Oral Bioinformatics search for genetic markers of socially significant diseases in promoters of human genes
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Popov A. Poster Assessment of the Nucleotide Excision Repair System Activity Ex Vivo
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Popov D. Oral Role of HSP70 proteins in regulation of mitochondrial protein content in skeletal muscle
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Poroikov V. Oral Drug repurposing for COVID-19 therapy: challenges and opportunities
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Poroshina A. Poster Influence of breeding strategy on genetic diversity of individuals
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Potokina E. Poster GBS assaying of F1 population obtained from self-pollination of muscadine grapevine cv. Dixie (Muscadinia rotundifolia Michaux.)
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Potsenovskaia E. Oral NF-Y genes in the somatic embryogenesis
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Povkhova L. Poster Transcriptome analysis of flax seeds and capsules
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Pristyazhnyuk I. Poster Pluripotent stem cell lines from two patients with COH1 gene mutations as the valuable in vitro model of Cohen Syndrome
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Prokofiev V. Poster Topology of the associative cytokine gene network in primary open-angle glaucoma
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Prokofiev V. Poster Integrated bioinformatics analysis of the gene structure of polygenic diseases to develop effective methods for their early prognosis
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Pronozin A. Oral ICAnnoLncRNA: automatic pipeline of identification, classification and annotation of long noncoding RNAs.
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Proskuryakova A. Oral Chromosome evolution in Ruminantia
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Prostova M. Poster Noncanonical prokaryotic X family DNA polymerases
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Pupyshev A. Poster Oral trehalose intake as an experimental therapy for Alzheimer’s disease in a mouse model induced by the central administration of amyloid-ОІ
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Pushimna E. Oral Analysis of environment adaptation features of the bacteria of Flavobacterium family by comparative genomics
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Pushkova E. Poster Transcriptomic analysis of generative and vegetative organs of male and female poplar plants
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Pyakillya B. Oral A Bayesian Approach to lipophilicity prediction
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Rachkovskaya L. Poster Effect of silver-containing sorbent on erythrocytes of erythrocyte mass during perfusion in vitro Rachkovskaya L.N.
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Raditsa V. Poster Massive comparison of the ‘genomic’ and ‘shuffled’ background set generation approaches for efficiency of de novo motif search in A.thaliana ChIP-seq data
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Ratushnyak A. Oral The emergence and evolution of living systems compensating for entropy processes
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Redina O. Without report
ISIAH rat genotype-specific SNPs located at microRNA-binding sites in the 3’UTRs of genes associated with behavior and arterial hypertension
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Revel-Muroz A. Oral 3D-MAGs — spatial conformations of individual microbial genomes reconstructed from Hi-C metagenomes
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Revva P. Poster Reconstruction and analysis of the gene network of hepatocellular carcinoma under mechanical stress of the cell
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Ritter G. Poster
The novel radioprotective agent. Characterization of the substance and the mechanism of its action 11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Rodic A. Oral Modeling the COVID-19 transmission dynamics and identifying meteorological and sociodemographic predictors
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Romanenko S. Oral The cytogenetic map of the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus, Crocodyli-dae, Reptilia) with in situ localization of major tandemly arranged repetitive DNAs
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Romanova E. Poster The architecture of the large mitochondrial genome of a pelagic amphipod Macrohectopus branickii, and mitochondrial genome length variability in animals
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Romanova V. Without report Hexadecane-induced stress response of hydrocarbon-oxidizing actinobacterial strain Tsukamurella tyrosinosolvens PS2
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Romashchenko А. Oral Effect of divalent cations on the uptake of Mn3O4 nanoparticles by olfactory epithelial cells
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Romashov G. Without report Search for convergently evolving and selected in parallel amino acids in domestic and wild animals
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Rubel M. Oral DNA-nanomachines for nucleic acid detection
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Rudnitskaya E. Oral Alteration of hippocampal glial support during early postnatal development as a possible premise of Alzheimer’s disease
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Rumyantseva Yu. Without report Evaluation of the regulatory potential of polymorphic variants of complement system genes associated with age-related macular degeneration
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Rybina O. Oral Transcription regulation in aging and lifespan control
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Rykova E. Oral The genome-wide search of SNPs in 3’-UTR microRNA target sequences associated with individual drug susceptibility
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Ryumina E. Oral Higher order chromatin structure: new insight with novel correlative approach
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Sadovskaya A. Oral Computational approach for searching bioactivity of natural products based on their 2D chemical structure
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Saik O. Poster Uncovering the genes linking glucose variability with endothelial dysfunction in diabetes by the analysis of gene networks
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Salmina A. Oral Aberrant neuroplasticity in aging and neurodegeneration associated with deregulation of neurogenesis and angiogenesis
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Salmina A. Oral Modern models of brain diseases for translational studies
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Salnikov P. Oral The tissue-specific relationship between 3D genome organization and gene expression at the mouse Slc29a3/Unc5b locus
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Saltykov M. Oral A heuristic approach to estimation of ecosystem stability
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Sannikova A. Without report Natural variations in telomere lengths in different Bryophytes
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Sannikova T. Oral Seeking the threshold for herd immunity in the synthetic population of a medium-sized city
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Saprygin A. Oral Behavioral and neurophysiological study of subject’s personality traits under recognition of sentences about self and others
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Saranchina A. Oral Genetic variety of Baikal endemic amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda) Eulimnogammarus verrucosus (Gerstf., 1858) in the Angara river
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Savinkova M. Oral 3D-2 heterogeneous breast cancer models
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Savkin I. Oral Effects of the original synthetic ligand of benzodiazepine receptors in long-term alcoholized mice
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Savostyanov A. Oral Genetic markers and neurophysiological correlates of the psy-chological personality traits among people from different re-gions of Siberia
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Savvina M. Oral DNA-microarray as an alternative diagnostic tool for targeted genetic carrier screening in population of Yakut ethnic group
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Savyuk M. Without report Calcium activity of neuron-glial networks upon HIF prolyl hydroxylase inhibition in hypoxia in vitro
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Saydakova S. Poster Distribution of cell junction proteins in the descending colon of Muc2 mice
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Schegoleva A. Oral Mutation landscape of non-small cell lung cancer with a high risk of metastasis and recurrence
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Sedykh S. Poster Milk exosomes – perspective agents for drug delivery
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Semina E. Poster Identification of a novel small RNA encoded in the mouse urokinase receptor uPAR gene (Plaur) and its molecular targets
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Semina E. Poster Targeting urokinase receptor uPAR in cancer: high expectations, modest achievements
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Senchurova S. Poster The role of active-site amino acids in template-independent DNA synthesis by human terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Serebrennikova M. Oral Development of a searching algorithm for new cell-penetrating peptides based on machine learning methods
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Seregin A. Oral Protective properties of DCD and LRP2 proteins in schizo-phrenia and bipolar disorder
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Serenko E. Oral Correction of the aggressive behavior by immune cells modu-lated ex vivo by psychoactive drug
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Sergushichev A. Oral GESECA: Gene Set Co-regulation Analysis
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Seryapina A. Without report Metabolic markers of hypertension in ISIAH rats
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Shaburova E. Poster Improved MHC peptide class I interaction prediction with pretrained transformer
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Shagimardanova E. Oral New insights on genome organization, RNA expression regulation and evolution of anhydrobiotic insect Polypedilum vanderplanki
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Shagimardanova E. Poster Alleles and haplotypes diversity of HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, and -DQB1 genes in Russia
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Shaikhutdinov N. Oral De novo genome assembly of the extreme halotolerant chironomid midge Baeotendipes noctivagus and the first insights on its genomic adaptations to hypersaline environment.
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Shakirova R. Poster Gene network reconstruction and functional association studies for oncological diseases using online bioinformatics tools
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Shalaginova I. Oral Risk factors for the development of post-stress neuroinflammation: studies on rat strains with contrast excitability of the nervous system
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Sharapova M. Oral The role of manganese oxide nanoparticles in the formation of stress granules in the mouse olfactory system
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Sharipov R. Poster Heterogeneity of transcription factor binding sites within ChIP-Seq datasets
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Sharypova E. Without report Experimental in vitro characterization of TATA-binding protein to TATA-boxes affinity of Arabidopsis thaliana real promoter genes
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Shatunova E. Oral Dkk-1 level detection in ankylosing spondylitis by the aptamer-based colorimetric assay
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Shaytan A. Oral Structure and dynamics of chromatin at nucleosome level: integrating experiments and simulations
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Shedko E. Poster Impact of terahertz irradiation on the antimicrobial resistance of E. coli JM 103
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Shekhovtsov S. Poster Cryptic diversity in the Dendrobaena schmidti complex (Lum
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Shekhovtsov S. Poster Freezing-induced metabolic changes in the liver and hindlimb muscle of the moor frog Rana arvalis and the Siberian salamander Salamandrella keyserlingii
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Shelenkov A. Oral Computational pipeline and database for the epidemiological typing and antimicrobial resistance profiling of important bacterial pathogens
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Shenkarev Z. Oral Structure and dynamics of REGN10987 Fab interaction with S-proteins of Delta and Omicron SARS-CoV-2 Variants
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Sheremetieva M. Oral Metabolic engineering of corynebacteria to create a producer of L-valine
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Shevchenko A. Oral Post-stress changes in the gut microbiota in rat strains with different excitability of the nervous system.
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Shikov A. Poster The recombination between 3-domain Cry-toxin genes as a mechanism to extend the list of affected hosts
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Shilova S. Poster Structure features of novel D-amino acid transaminase from Aminobacterium colombiense
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Shilovsky G. Oral Evolution of Protein Regulators of Circadian Rhythm in Mammals
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Shilpa Harshan Poster Tocilizumab partially reverses the altered transcriptional regulation of glycolysis in circulating CD8+ T cells of rheumatoid arthritis patients
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Shitik E. Poster Capsid modifications of adeno-associated virus serotype 2
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Shklyar A. Without report Investigation of the microRNA expression dynamics in the retina of rats during aging and the development of retinopathy similar to age-related macular degeneration
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Shmakov N. Oral Plant immunity genes of Solanum tuberosum L cultivars associ-ated with resistance to potato late blight
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Shnaider T. Oral Investigation of the mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders caused by mutations in the CNTN6 gene on the cerebral organoids model
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Shtern E. Oral P.Y. Halperin’s Activity Theory and Language Consciousness Theory: Results of EEG-Based Research in the Perspective of ICT-assisted Foreign Language Learning
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Shubin A. Oral Application of convolutional neural networks in the processing of hemispherical photos of the canopy
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Shunkov M.
Genetic history and culture of the oldest population of North Asia
4.3 Human origin and evolution
Shvaikovskaya A. Poster Concordance between the in vivo concentrations of neurospecific proteins (BDNF, NSE) in the brain and blood in patients with epilepsy
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Sidorenko A. Poster Understanding the role of MAKR6 in Arabidopsis thaliana L. root development
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Sigova E. Poster Genome assembly of Colletotrichum lini from long Nanopore reads
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Singatulina A. Oral PARP-1 activation regulates recruitment of FUS to SGs and their assembly without additional recruitment of PAR to SGs
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Sitnikova N. Oral Ag modification of PLC-COOH nanofibers provides mesenchymal cells proliferation
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Sivkina A. Poster Comparison of nucleosome unfolding by yeast and human FACT: electron microscopy analysis
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Skoblov M. Oral Complex alleles of splicing variants in Mendelian diseases
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Slovareva O. Poster Bacteria species diversity on winter grain crops of the field experimental station of RSAU-MTAA named after K.A. Timiryazev
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Smirnov D. Poster The emerging role of SIRT6 in the mitochondrial regulation
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Smirnova K. Oral Effect of chronic unpredictable mild stress on stress resilience in Disc1-Q31L mice
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Smirnova L. Oral IgG-Dependent dismutation of Superoxide and DPPH radical in patients with schizophrenia
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Smolnikova M. Poster Ficoline-3 and MASP-2 gene variants in Russian Arctic populations
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Sobolevskaya E. Poster The nearest and one-month effects of endovascular revascularization for patients with critical limb ischemia
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Sofronova V. Poster Clinical and molecular characteristics of ichthyosis in Yakutia.
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Sokolova D. Oral Microbial diversity in low temperature oil field with high-salinity formation water in Tatarstan (Russia) and their potential for MEOR application
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Sokolova O. Oral Use of lipodiscs in structural studies of ion channels
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Solodneva E. Without report Genetic structure analysis of 157 transboundary and local populations of cattle (Bos taurus, Bos indicus and Bos grunniens) based on STR markers.
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Son A. Poster Modeling of contractile activity-induced fatigue in human skeletal muscle
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Sonets I. Oral Investigating bacterial and yeast diversity of spontaneous fermentation beer and cider using Hi-C metagenomics
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Sorokin I. Poster Short day exposition affects the brain serotonin system in zebrafish Danio rerio
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Sorokina N. Poster Potential bacteriophage recombination sites inside genes containing cysteine repeats
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Speranskaya A. Oral The characterization of complete genome of MERS-related coronavirus from bat (Pipistrellus nathusii) from Moscow region, prediction and analysis their Spike glycoprotein with DPP4 receptors of the different mammalian species
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Spirin S. Poster PhyloBench, a benchmark for evaluation of phylogenetic programs
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Spirov A. Poster Variability and Robustness of the Functioning of Gene Regula-tory Networks: Role in the Evolution of Early Embryogenesis
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Stanin V. Poster Transcriptional profiling of fusarium wilt in flax
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Stanova A. Oral The impact of temperature conditions of incubation on mouse embryonic development during in vitro fertilization
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Starchevskaya M. Oral The metagenomic analysis of Colorado potato beetles public NGS data and the nanopore sequencing of its genetic material
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Starikova E. Poster The resistome of human-associated microbial communities, its mobility and temporal dynamics
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Starodubtseva E. Poster Optical control of intercellular communication between platelets during activation
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Starodumov I. Oral
Mathematical Modeling of Gas-Liquid Flows in Bioreactors
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Stavrovskaya A. Oral Bioinformatics and experimental approaches in the creation of the drug «Superbact» for parkinsonism’s treatment
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Stefanova N. Oral The Rat Brain Transcriptome: From Infancy to Aging and Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease-like Pathology
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Stepanchuk Ya. Oral Hi-C based translocations detection in human single cells
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Stepanichev M. Oral Nerve growth factor in the aging brain: friend or foe?
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Stetsenko I. Poster Detecting broad specter of viral nucleic acids via NGS: novel k-mer-based algorithm for multiplex degenerate primer sets design
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Stolyarenko A. Oral In vitro Characterization of Human REV1 Low-fidelity DNA Polymerase
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Sudakov N. Oral Rearrangements of actin cytoskeleton in atherosclerotic plaque development (experimental study).
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Sukhachev V. Oral Prediction of adverse effects of drug-drug interactions on the cardiovascular system based on the analysis of structure-activity relationships
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Sukhanova X. Poster Discovery of somatic recombination events in APP and analysis of its occurrence
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Sukhinina E. Oral Generation of stable breast cancer cell lines with overexpression of О±vОІ3 integrin
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Sukhomlinov D. Oral GeneCut – a software tool for oligonucleotide design, assembly and cloning of gene constructs
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Sukhomyasova A. Oral Reproductive Genetic Screening for Heterozygous Carriage of Hereditary Diseases in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Sukovatyi L. Poster Molecular modeling of osmolytes’ effect on bacterial luciferase
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Suldina L. Without report An increase in the number of CAG repeats in the huntingtin gene enhances pathological ultrastructural aberrations in the cells and neurons
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Surkova S. Without report Analysis of robust pattern formation in the developing Drosophila eye using two mathematical models
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Surnin P. Oral Determination of parameters of a mathematical model of bacterial infection development taking into account antimicrobial resistance
5.4 Modeling and computer analysis of microbiological systems and processes
Suslov D. Oral Control of Arabidopsis thaliana shoot gravitropism at the level of cell wall biomechanics and metabolomics
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Suvorov A. Oral Commensal microbiota: realities and vaccine making potential
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Svishcheva G. Poster New framework for gene-based association analysis using GWAS summary statistics and functional annotations
4.2 Genome-wide association studies
Tabassum S. Oral Network Pharmacology and Molecular Docking Techniques to Elucidate the Mechanisms of Ocimum Sanctum against Tuberculosis
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Tabikhanova L. Poster Polymorphism rs1800795 of the IL6 gene in samples of Siberian indigenous ethnic groups
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Tamazian G. Poster Pygenomics: Python package for processing genomic intervals and bioinformatic data formats
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Taranik A. Oral Forecast of the development of the COVID-19 epidemic situation in Moscow in 2022-2023
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Tarasov K. Poster Isolation of new methylotrophic species Cytobacillus baksanea from deep underground hot spring of Baksan Neutrino Observatory
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Tarasov O. Poster Search for coevolution in protein interaction network of translation termination factors
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Tarasova O. Oral Computational Analysis of Viral Drug Resistance and Treatment Efficacy: Case study for HIV-infection
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Telegina D. Poster Both melatonin and mitochondrial antioxidant SkQ1 had different effect on the retinal glutamate / GABA in healthy Wistar and senescence-accelerated OXYS rats
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Tesic S. Poster Plasmid genome dynamics of sequenced strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Tikhonova M. Oral New antiparkinsonian agent Diol restores cognitive function, enhances neurotrophic function, and diminishes neuroinflammation in a MPTP-induced model of Parkinson’s disease in mice
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Timofeeva A. Poster Catalytic antibodies after COVID-19 and vaccination hydrolyze SARS-CoV-2 S-protein and corresponding oligopeptides
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Timoshchuk A. Oral Defining the genetic control of N-glycosylation human blood plasma proteins using multivariate genetic association analysis
4.2 Genome-wide association studies
Tishakova K. Poster Composition of sex chromosomes of veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus, Iguania, Squamata) reveals new insights into sex chromosome evolution of iguanian lizards
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Titov A. Oral Space-time correlation analysis in bio-macro-molecules, based on molecular dynamic trajectory data
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Titov I. Oral The secondary structure model of the transcriptional termina-tor of the C. glutamicum inbc operon proved by mutational analysis of the operon gene expression and valine production
5.4 Modeling and computer analysis of microbiological systems and processes
Tkachev S. Poster The use of next-generation sequencing for genetic characterization of tick-borne encephalitis virus variants from Western Siberia
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Trapezov O. Oral Regulatory effects of genes controlling behavior and painting shaping control. American mink (neovison vison) as a model
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Trifonova E. Oral Genomics and transcriptomics of preeclampsia
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Trusov N. Oral Consumer loan demand modeling of households in Russia under sanctions
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Tsepilov Y. Oral Novel multivariate approach identifies LPA and VCAM1 as drug targets for human ageing
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Tsukanov A. Oral enRest tool for transcription factor binding sites overrepresentation analysis in RNA-seq data
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Tsybko A. Oral Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) affects hippocampal neu-roplasticity and fear memory in rats
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Tsyupka V. Poster The molecular response to low-temperature stress in peach cul-tivars with different cold tolerance
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Tuchinov B. Oral Multi-class abdominal aortic aneurysm segmentation via 3D neural networks
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Turubanova V. Oral Vaccination with dendritic cells pulsed with glioma killed by photodynamic therapy induces efficient antitumor immunity
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Tvorogova V. Oral Transcriptomic analysis for the optimization of transformation of legumes
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Tyugashev T. Poster Molecular dynamics insight into mechanism of nucleotide incorporation specificity of human terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Ubogoeva E. Oral Ethylene assists auxin in the regulation of root cap renewal in Arabidopsis thaliana L.
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Ukraintsev A. Poster Study of Interaction of the PARP Family DNA-Dependent Proteins with Nucleosomes by Atomic Force Microscopy
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Unguryan V. Poster Analysis of binding properties of influenza hemagglutinins and human receptor analog
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Uvarova Yu. Oral Investigation of promising biotechnological strains from the FRC ICG SB RAS collection using omix technologies and bio-informatics methods
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Valeeva L. Oral Protein prenyltransferases regulate the multicellular thallus development of liverwort Marchantia polymorpha
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Vasilev F. Oral Investigation of domain-specific functions and stability of VPS33A, responsible protein for mucopolysaccharidosis-plus syndrome
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Vasileva A. Poster On the search for markers formed in the processes of microbiological metabolism of industrial waste on the example of lignin and oil sludge by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
5.3 Industrial biotechnologies: creation of producer strains
Vasilyev S. Oral Epigenetic landscape in human aneuploid embryos
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Vasytkin S. Poster Investigation of various hemodynamic regimes in elastic vessels
2.1 Reconstruction, computational analysis and modeling of biological systems
Vatlin A. Oral Omix technologies and bioinformatics: an example of use in creating a pharmabiotic based on the Limosilactobacillus fermentum U21 strain
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Vechkapova S. Oral The role of insulin receptor signaling in regulation of synaptic glutamatergic hippocampal neurotransmission
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Vedunova M. Oral Novel approaches for analysis of the functional activity of neural networks in vitro
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Veselovsky V. Oral Gene networks underlying the mechanisms of resistance to inflammatory factors in Bifidobacterium longum and Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Vinogradov K. Poster Genetic traits of the delta variant in the Russian Federation and its spread during the epidemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Vishnevsky O. Without report FoxO1 may play a role in SREBP1 interaction with DNA
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Vishnevsky O. Oral Argo_CEL: GPU Based Composite Elements Discovery
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Vlad A. Oral Transmission of acute respiratory infections in a city: agent-based approach
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19
Vlasenkova R. Oral Construction of comprehensive amino acid networks from Molecular Dynamics trajectories and tumor mutational profile of human sodium transporter NaPi2b
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Vodiasova E. Oral Characterization of the glutathione S-transferase gene family in Mollusca
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Volobueva M. Oral Classification of prokaryotic DNA methyltransferases by sequence similarity of the catalytic domain
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Volynsky P. Oral Identification of factors important for the translocation of water-soluble proteins across the membrane using computer simulations
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Volynsky P. Poster Small-angle X-ray scattering study of histone-like protein from Spiroplasma melliferum in solution
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
von Wettberg E. Oral RNA-seq Analysis of the Asiatic Vigna to Examine Differential Gene Expression During Germination and Early Plant Development
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Novopashina D. Oral Novel aptamer-based targeted agents for boron neutron capture therapy
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Voropaeva E. Poster Methylation of p53-responsive microRNA genes in tumor tissue of lymphoma
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Vorozheykin P. Poster mitomiRs as the common regulators of gene silencing
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Vychyk P. Poster BacRegDB: a database of bacterial regulatory elements with structural evidence
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Wajid Arshad Abbasi Oral Computational identification of Anti-CRISPR proteins by us-ing information extracted from the primary structures
13. Big genetic Data Analysis, deep learning, mathematical modeling and supercomputing
Wiebe D. Oral Fold-change Specific Enrichment Analysis (FSEA): An approach for functional enrichment analysis of transcriptomic data
1.1 Genomics and transcriptomics of plants and animals
Wohlfromm F. Oral Recombinant lactaptin analogon RL2 inhibits TRAIL-induced cell death in breast cancer cell lines by mitophagy
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Xiuwei Cao Oral Condensation of STM empowers meristem activity and enhances salt tolerance
6.2 Developmental biology of plants: computational and experimental approaches
Yakhnenko A. Poster Universal microsatellite markers for Baikal endemic sponge family Lubomirskiidae
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Yakovleva A. Poster The spectrum of mutations in the EXT1 gene among patients with Multiple Hereditary Exostoses in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Yamileva K. Poster CDH13 and it’s signaling partners in the functioning of the endothelium cells
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Yan A. Oral Detecting three-dimensional contacts of plasmid DNA with chromatin in HEK293Т cells
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Yudin N. Poster Estimating telomere length in the local Russian and imported to Russia cattle breeds from whole genome sequence data
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Yudkina A. Oral Interaction of DNA replication and DNA repair systems with AP sites adducts with proteins, peptides and low-molecular-weight compounds
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Yukhtanov D. Poster Analysis of mitochondrial supply of neuronal processes during the postnatal brain maturation in OXYS rats – a model of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Yunes R. Oral PFNA operon of bifidobacteria: Role of bioinformatics in the discovery, structural and functional characterization, and pos-sible application in biotechnology.
5.1 Biotechnology through the prism of microbiome
Zagryadskaya I. Poster The study of localization of beta-amyloid peptide monomers in cells by fluorescence microscopy
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Zakluta A. Poster Influence of sulfur metabolism genes on processes related to learning and memory in Drosophila melanogaster.
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Zalomaeva E. Poster Memory formation in Drosophila with neurospecific suppression limk1 gene expression in nervous system
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Zaparina O. Oral Renal pathologies development during experimental opisthorchiasis
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Zarubin A. Oral RMetSeq package for processing targeted MRE-seq
4.1 Human medical/population genomics and genetics
Zarubin M. Oral The insight into structural properties of unique tardigrade radioprotective damage suppressor protein (Dsup)
3.2 Structural biology of proteins and membranes
Zavarzin E. Oral EEG preprocessing algorithm to measure DMN connectivity
10. Cognitive sciences, neurogenetics, neuroinformatics and systems computational biology
Zavestovskaya I. Oral Nanoteranostics based on multimodal nanoparticles and nanosystems
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Zaytseva O. Oral Association between polygenic risk scores for plasma protein N glycosylation traits and 276 ICD-10 diseases
4.2 Genome-wide association studies
Zemskaya N. Oral Interrelation of lifespan and viability indicators of Drosophila species
12. Systems biology of aging: experimental and computational approaches
Zemskaya T. Oral Microbial communities in gradient zones of Lake Baikal
5.2 Microbial communities of natural and anthropogenic habitats
Zhao M. Poster Functional role of active site amino acid residues of human ALKBH2 during recognition of methylated DNA bases
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Zharkov D. Oral Structure and function evolution in DNA repair
11. Systems biology and bioinformatics of DNA repair processes and programmed cell death
Zhdanova O. Oral Genetic polymorphism under cyclical selection in long-lived species: the complex effect of age structure and maternal selection
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Zhdanova O. Oral Zooplankton effect on the dynamics of competing phytoplankton species
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Zhegalova I. Oral Consecutive chromatin loops in D. discoideum
1.3 Functional and applied 3D genomics
Zheleznyak A. Poster Modeling of Mammalian Ribonuclease Inhibitor Complex With Bacterial Ribonuclease Binase
3.3 Chemoinformatics and chemical biology
Zhigunov A. Poster Towards identification of genetic factors underlying curly birch wood patterning using high-throughput genotyping
6.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of plants
Zhurakovskaya A. Oral Аctin genes of the White Sea sponge Halisarca dujardinii: structure and regulation
1.2 Regulatory genomics
Zlobin A. Poster Loci associated with negative heterosis for viability and meat productivity in interspecies sheep hybrids
7.2 Population and evolutionary genomics/genetics of wild and domestic animals
Zolotareva K. Poster Natural selection against insufficiency in sarcomeric proteins reduces the risks of cardiomyopathy in humans versus chimpanzees as conventionally the nearest wild congeners, for whom it is the most common cause of spon-taneous mortality
8. Biomedicine, bioinformatics and systems computational biology
Zolotovskaya E. Poster A low molecular weight protein from Baikal amphipod hemocytes as a potential antimicrobial peptide
1.4 Evolutionary genomics, bioinformatics, and molecular phylogeny
Zorkoltseva I. Poster New genes predisposing to coronary artery disease detected by genome-wide gene-based association analysis
4.2 Genome-wide association studies
Zubkova E. Oral Study, storage and visualization of data on the ontogenesis of dwarf shrubs and herbaceous plants (CAMPUS program)
2.2 Modeling of population and ecological systems and processes
Zuev D. Oral Nanoparticle axonal transport assessment in neurodegeneration susceptible mice strain
7.1 Genomics, genetics and system biology of animals
Zvonareva T. Oral Mathematical modeling of information diffusion in Twitter
9. Mathematics, bioinformatics and systems computational biology of COVID-19