Differentially expressed microRNAs in carotid paraganglioma

Anastasiya Snezhkina1, Elena Pudova2, Vladislav Pavlov3, Maria Fedorova4, George Krasnov5, Anna Kudryavtseva6
1EIMB RAS, Moscow, Russia, leftger@rambler.ru
2EIMB RAS, Moscow, Russia, pudova_elena@inbox.ru
3EIMB RAS, Moscow, Russia, vladislav1pavlov@gmail.com
4EIMB RAS, Moscow, Russia, fedorowams@yandex.ru
5EIMB RAS, Moscow, Russia, gskrasnov@mail.ru
6EIMB RAS, Moscow, Russia, rhizamoeba@mail.ru

Molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of rare tumors are insufficiently known. It the work, we performed the analysis of microRNA profiles in a rare neuroendocrine tumor of the head and neck, carotid paraganglioma (CPGL). We found four microRNAs (miR-1185-1/2-3p, miR-431-5p, miR-504-5p, and miR-200c-3p) that are differentially expressed among CPGL samples studied. This is the first study of microRNA expression in CPGL. Obtained results allow a better understanding of molecular changes associated with the development of the tumor.

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