The nearest and one-month effects of endovascular revascularization for patients with critical limb ischemia

by Sobolevskaya E.V., Smagin M.A., Hapaev R.S., Shumkov O.A., Nimaev V.V. | Laboratory of
Operative Lymphology and Lymphatic Detoxification – Branch of the institute of Cytology and Genetics,
SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia | V. Zelman Institute for Medicine and Psychology – Novosibirsk State
University, Novosibirsk, Russia

The method of endovascular revascularization has a number of key advantages in the
treatment of critical lower limb ischemia in comparison with other methods alongside with a
rapid advance in angioplasty procedure every year. However, the drawbacks remain that
affect the pace and quality of achieving technical and clinical success in percutaneous
transluminal angioplasty. For instance, the effectiveness of the treatment of critical limb
ischemia is influenced by the segment level in which the arterial revascularization was
performed, as well as by the number of «open» arteries following the surgery. In particular,
such treatment efficiency assessment is highly relevant for patients possessing lesions of
two or more arteries, as well as suffering of purulent-necrotic lesions. It should be noted
that the relevant results obtained in this study will be used to guide the development of
personalized revascularization tactics.

Постер_The nearest and one-month effects of endovascular revascularization