Molecular genetic analysis of alloplasmic recombinant lines (Triticum dicoccum) -Triticum aestivum

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Shcherban A.B.1, Perfil’ev R.N2, Salina E.A.3
1Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS,
2Novosibirsk State Agrarian University,
3Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS,

Molecular markers were used to analyze the mitochondrial genome of the alloplasmic lines of wheat containing the nuclear genome of the hexaploid wheat T. aestivum against the background of the cytoplasm of tetraploid wheat T.dicoccum. Eight lines showed patterns of PCR and CAPS markers corresponding to the species T. aestivum, indicating the substitution of the mitochondrial genome of T. dicoccum during backcrossing with hexaploid wheat. In the D-N-05 line, the rps19 and orf256 gene markers corresponded to the parental species T.dicoccum. This line is promising in terms of studying the mechanisms of fertility restoration in hybrids with CMS. Also, using molecular marker, the nuclear gene Dreb-1, which is a regulator of drought tolerance, was analyzed and it was shown that В line D-41-05 had an introgression of this gene from the B genome of T. dicoccum, which may lead to the previously established increased drought tolerance of this line.

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Victoria Mironova
Victoria Mironova
3 years ago

Interesting results! I have two questions:
1) there are many factors of DREB family. How did you choose the DREB-1? Or it was just a luck?
2) What is the substitution that you find in DREB-1 as associated with the drought tolerance. I mean, what does it make to the protein? Which domain it affects.

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