Retrotransposons of Arabidopsis thaliana expressed in wild-type plants

Sofya Gvaramiya1, Murad Omarov2, Ilya Kirov31Department of marker-assisted and genomic selection of plant All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, sofia.gvaramia@gmail.com2Department of marker-assisted and genomic selection of plant All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, muradok98@gmail.com3Department of marker-assisted and genomic selection of plant All-Russia Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Mobile genetic elements are widely spread across the genomes of plants and animals. Of them, retrotransposons occupy substantial part of the genome. They had a huge impact on host genome evolution. However, their current activity in plant cell is thought to be very low on both RNA and cDNA (mobilome) levels because multiple silencing pathways. To get deeper insight into the mechanisms of mobilome formation we carried out identification of transcribed TEs of model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. Using bioinformatics and ‘wet’ approaches we found evidence of expression of 6 TEs of A.thaliana. This opens a door for further functional studies of how some TEs can overcome the genome defense against retrotransposon activity.

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Regulation of Transcription Activity of MAKR4 in Arabidopsis thaliana L.

Poster (download) Korosteleva Anastasia1, Novikova Daria2, Mironova Victoria31Novosibirsk State University, kartzeva.kar@gmail.com2Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, da6ik777@gmail.com3Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Auxin has a crucial influence on genes expression. In this work, we show that transcriptional activity of an auxin-sensitive gene MAKR4 (MEMBRANE ASSOSIATED KINASE REGULATOR 4) depends on the composite elements in its upstream regulatory region. Analysis of such elements could clarify the understanding of the regulation of this gene and other auxin-sensitive genes.

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The elements of CRISPR-Cas-like system in genome of Arabidopsis thaliana: possible origin and some evidence on their functionality

Poster (download) Video (download) Ivan Petrushin1, Yuri Konstantinov2, Igor Gorbenko31LIN SB RAS, ivan.kiel@gmail.com2SIPPB SB RAS, yukon@sifibr.irk.ru3SIPPB SB RAS, In the nuclear genome of Arabidopsis thaliana some cas genes and CRISPR cassettes were found by in silico methods. It is hypothesized that CRISPR-Cas-like elements appeared in plant genome as a result of endosymbiosis of ancient alphaproteobacteria.

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