In silico determination of the risk haplotype for developing AMD

by Karpova N.S. | The Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Moscow, Russia

Motivation and Aim:
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a multifactorial disease and a prevalent cause of
visual impairment in developed countries. Risk factors include environmental components
and genetic determinants. 50% or more of the risk of developing AMD is due to mutations in
the region of 2 genes, CFH and ARMS2/HTRA1. However, the exact mechanisms of
pathology development, in particular the role of mutations in the ARMS2 gene region,
remain not fully understood, as well as the functions of the protein. A number of
polymorphisms related to ARMS2 associated with the risk of developing AMD were
identified in several GWASs at once . In this regard, we decided to determine the putative
AMD risk haplotype, its prevalence, and compare it with the prevalence of early and late
stages of AMD.
An analysis of the GWAS-catalog and literature made it possible to reduce the number of
studied polymorphisms to 5 (rs3750846, rs10490924, rs3750847, rs3750848, rs61871744),
since only they are associated with AMD and are located in the region of the gene itself.
When assessing the prevalence of possible haplotypes, a possible AMD risk haplotype was
determined, for which the prevalence was 0,1899 or 18,99% (taking into account the AMD
risk alleles, rs10490924-T and rs3750847-T). his risk haplotype will occur in the
homozygous state with a frequency of 3,6% (which is close to the prevalence of early AMD
3,5% aged 55–59 years) and in the heterozygous state with a frequency of 30,5% (which is 2
times higher than the prevalence of late AMD at the age of ≥85 years).

In silico AMD risk haplotype